I want to achieve a 2-way sync between adobe campaign contacts and the contact lists in external platforms, using telephone numbers as the primary keys. Is there any procedure to guide me how to do so. I need detailed procedures like setups in adobe campaigns. Is it possible to do the 2-way sync in ...
Hello, I would like to know if there's an easy way to add zeros before a field in adobe campaign For example:If the record is equal to "4", it will show 0004if the record is equal to "32" it will show 0032 Thank you in advance
Hi All, We are using Campaign Classic V8We have a schema 'cus:dealer' which has dealer information. We have to create two target Mapping using the The dealer schema namely cusDealerLocal and cusDealerInternational to send out CommsBoth the target Mapping will use same schema and the data will be the...
Hi there, Is it possible to fetch the records in one single row even if their rec_create_date is different? I have the same records that have purchased multiple features on different days. I have a condition where if user purchased features between 04/11 - 04/17. I want those records to be displayed...
Hello Experts, In a workflow, I created variable that i use on my email. That part was easy.In another workflow, i count how many email one user received but to be really accurate, i need to check how many email he received based on variable I used on that email. Is it possible ? If yes, how and whe...
Hi Experts,I have requirement to update Tracking Type to the URLs in Email HTML, for around 300 the email deliveries.I checked in the delivery the tracking is Enabled, the value is "0"[Zero] or other values.Now I want to update with Value as"1" [Not tracked].So, anyone can help me on this.Thank you.
I have created a survey webApp with few questions which involves responses through radio button and checkbox input fields. I have created archived fields to store the responses. Now I'm facing couple of issues. The responses are not getting stored into archived fields.I have below query to write res...
Hi, one question, is it possible to automatize the process of uploading htmls in Adobe Campaign Classic? So by that way I can be faster and avoid loosing time uploading one by one. Thanks in advance as always. Kind regards,Blanca
According to the message of the error, I understand that the database's table where the data is exported to has changed? Is there anything else I can check on Adobe Campaign's side?Error: 20/04/2024 06:04:11 The dataschema to be exported specified by the transition ('temp:query') does not comply wit...