Hi,I am planning to give adobe campaign business practitioner exam, could anyone help me, where should i get study material or sample question.ThanksNaval Singh
Hi,I have a question about modifying or deleting fields in the extended recipient schema. Modify field: Can I just modify directly from the code below and save?<attribute desc="accountNumber" label="accountNumber" length="15" name="accountNumber" type="string"/>Delete a field: Can I remove the abov...
Hi,I am having an issues getting the below JavaScript to run. It continuously fails. Please could you assist?JavaScript CodeWithin the JavaScript code activity is the below script:xtk.workflow.RestartTask("WKF36072", "fork");Adobe Documentationhttps://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC/en/jsapi/sm-workf...
i wish to understand the funtioning of jssp files in Adobe campaign. How/Where these files are referenced. If any documentation for reference, it will be very helpful.
We are trying to use inbound offer interaction and want to send multiple offers, but can not find any way to do itSecondly, we have asked adobe to enable the "interactiond" proces to generate the offer proposition in the propositionRcp schema, however, even though the offer is displaying in the html...
Hi everyone, This is my first post, so be gentle! I'm also new to campaign, so be even gentler! I am looking to find the most efficient way of calculating column counts of values. The challenge is making is fairly fluid. The schema that I have, has (as of today), 69 columns. But this can vary on wee...
Hi,Can someone explain what's the difference between service/subscription, list and recipient folders? I have been always using service/subscription for the recipients from different clients. My questions are:Difference between service/subscription, list and recipient foldersIs it the best practice...
Hi,We are just starting to use Adobe and one of the main objectives is to leverage external APIs from Adobe. There are 2 scenarios mainly, 1. Calling an endpoint per recipient in a campaign and modify the email content based on the response. E.g - If the audience size is 1m, then we will call an end...
Hi Community,I have a landing page that will not transition to the next page. I have the button/image link type: action, action: next page, transition: to thank you page. Has anyone had this issue before, where their landing pages just wont transition?Any help is appreciated!Allie