We have custom survey button's in our emails built using Personalization block (below is the screen shot). When user click either of these survey button's, we need to capture which button user clicked in the email and pass that information to a Web App to save data and show Thank you page based on ...
Post campaign deployment I am looking to create reports with regards to performance based on segment codes within the campaign.I can see that this is easily done in Campaign Standard:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-standard/using/reporting/customizing-reports/creating-a-report-workfl...
Hi, We are using an external agency to send mobile text messages (SMS & MMS). Our deliveries are configured to call a Post-Processing workflow that makes 1 HTTP call per broadlog (recipient) in realtime. The broadlogs status are then set to "Sent to Service Provider". Finally, another workflow runs ...
Hi Team, When i transfer (either download or upload) the files from 3rd party server to Adobe app server folders, we see that files gets appended with the timestamp at the end of the file. ex :- Starting transfer of 'sftp://sftp.test.com:portnumber//ftp/foldername/filename.csv' to 'filename_202001....
Hi, How do i check other servers which are connecting through remote desk topEg :firstServer.aws.cloud.epsilonsecndServer.aws.cloud.epsilon I need a workflow(JS Activity) to check if the above servers are running or down?please help on that Regards,Raj.
Hi all, I am trying to "alive" proofs for recurring deliveries (deprecated by Adobe).Managed to do it for deliveries without personalization, but when personalization is included an error is thrown in the proof delivery: 'Error while compiling script 'content htmlContent' line 4: targetData is not ...
Hi all, We have a 'Data Loading' activity in our workflow and when we tried to upload a CSV file from local to the server, we encountered the following error. What could be the cause and is this something we can fix?
I have an external database connected and i want to import some data into it. I have the data in local excel file. Is there any workflow reference or docs how to do this.