Hi Team, i have an input form and an input like below : <check expr="nova_offer_validateActiveOfferCount_Test( @IOPERATIONID ) != '0'"><error>"The number of active offers exceeds the number provided on the Campaing Input Form. Please deactivate an existing offer before creating a new offer."</error...
Hi Team, If we create a workflow view folder, We are able to see all workflows from our environment. Because this workflows are stored in xtl:workflow schema. But delivery template and delivery are stored in same schema nms:delivery. But how it gets differentiated as delivery or delivery template? O...
Hi,I'm trying to embed some encrypted data in links in email and then get the data decrypted when user arrives at the actual website. Here is what we use to encrypt the data in the Adobe Camapgin:<%= cryptString('test','base-64-encoded-256bit-key',false) %> Then on the website, I'm using CryptoJS ...
Hi there, I am trying to query data from javascript like below: var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create( {queryDef: {schema: "nms:recipient", operation: "select", select: { node: [{expr: "@id"}, {expr: "@label"}, {expr: "@internalName"}] }, where: {...
I am trying to pass multiple values from a variable in JavaScript activity into filter condition next activity, however constantly getting an error saying 'res.getElementsByTagName is not a function'.Can anyone please have a look and help with their valuable input.The code I am using is:var winner =...
Hi everyone,I am trying to rename a js property (within the view object) and would like to replace the view-object with a new edited object, but I am struggling.var offerToEdit = NLWS.nmsOffer.load(offer.@id); //loads the specified offer fine offerToEdit.view = updatedViewObjectWithAnEditedPropertyN...
I have two instances, DEV and PROD. In DEV I've generated campaigns, schemas, extends, workflows and so on, my question is:Is there any way to package all things developed in DEV and migrate/install in PROD?
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to apply filtering rules during sending? i am noticing when i am doing a pre-run we have a 'clean' list with no blacklist recipients but when i come to check the day after the newsletter has gone out I'm seeing that some recipients have blacklisted us si...
Hi I'm working on Mobile Push Notification in ACC SDK 5 (AEP) and using Launch to configure. I have a scenario where I have to store additional custom fields in the trackingLogAppSubRcp by extending it, upon a push notification open/click.The extension and field addition part is straightforward with...
Bonjour;J'essai d'exporter un rapport au format excel (de le mettre en pPJ dans un email ensuite) mais je n'y arrive pas. pouvez-vous m'aider svp ?Je n'ai pas d'erreur, c'est juste que ça tourne sans arrêt. PI : en PDF ça marche trés bien ! Merci