Hi, We're using Campaign Classic, and have been working through the integration to pull segments from AAM. We've completed setup by following this guide and have had Adobe set up the necessary provisions: https://helpx.adobe.com/marketing-cloud/how-to/aam-campaign.html. When we reach step 10 in the...
Please help me understand the use of below option present in Union Activity by giving example. I read the document but did not get clear idea. Key OnlyAll Shared columnsSelection of Columns
Hi, I have imported segments from AAM to ACM under profiles and targets - List. but few segments are not synced with Recipient schema and not seeing any data. below are the issues.1. Dashboard tab - not seeing the targeting link2. Schema tab - not seeing the schema and targeting dimension3. Data tab...
Hi All,Trying to explore options here to use email links to route to app from ac classic. I saw enabling mobile services with acquisition helps to create marketing links that route to an app, that requires creating universal/app links correct? Does anyone know any other option or have used 3rd part...
I'm curious what happens to the temporary table of a query, when there is another query in the pipe: I have a query (Q1) that has its results in a temporary table (T1).The flow then continues to another query (Q2) that is NOT quering the T1 or even same dimension as T1, it's a completely new, separa...
Hi,I want to know about active profiles in the adobe campaign.The adobe document says 'Active profiles are the profiles that are counted for billing purposes. “ Profile ” means a record of information (e.g.: a record in the nmsRecipient table or an external table containing a cookie ID, Customer ID...
Hello, A user is trying to use the Data File Load activity and is getting the following error: 'XTK-170046 An error has stopped the transfer of file..." In the Journal they have this error:"BAS-010014 Cannot open file... with read access (errno=2, No such file or directory)""WKF-560006 An error occu...
I have created a new instance on the same server(tools --> Advanced --> Declare a new instance). The config-<new instance>.xml got created inside the conf directory. How can I connect to the new instance from the client console? A new connection cannot be added because the server URL will be same as...