Hi, We built the Adobe campaign classic on our local server and selected the enterprise deployment, so we have 2 web servers and 2 app servers. Now, we want to upload files to AC server then call these files in workflow. But the workflow always shows that the file cannot be found. In my research, th...
Team, We have a requirement to send attachments along with the rtEvents . We have implemented one service that will directly talk to the RT instances (cloud) . We are calling the RT instance rtEvents method and sending the context information. Client ----> Microservice -----> Adobe RT instance a...
Hi experts, I am making a HTTP API call from javascript. The API takes a JSON object as the request body. So I am using the following script for creating the JSON object for request var eml = "abc.com";var fst = "abc";var lst = "com";var obj = {email: eml, first_name: fst, last_name: lst};httpReques...
Hi All, I have used hard coded path such as: In a workflow, in file collector,I have used folder path to pick from D:\FolderX\QA\xyz\ Now, the following changes need to be done:This path should be in option - folderPath: D:\FolderX\<environmentVariable>\xyz\QA should be in another option variable, ...
Hi all I have this requirement to add a seed list to our main delivery but distribute the seed addresses randomly across the main output.I have uploaded the seed addresses and added them to the Delivery template, but when I execute the delivery all seeds addresses appeared at the top in the Deliver...
Hi team, Adobe Campaign Classic and Adobe Analytics are connected to Data Connector.(https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/using/getting-started/connectors/adobe-analytics-data-connector.html#about-data-connector-integration) When the e-mail is generated, 'cid' and 'bid' are genera...
We have a weird issue that when we try to proof a delivery on our Staging instance, and select "Enable proof sending" in the Approvals, the target population drops to zero when there are non-zero amount of targets. There are no targets being removed by typologies (I removed all typologies), duplicat...
Dear All The business requirement is to use the new font (Antenna-Extra Light) for developing an email template. We have downloaded and imported the particular font in the ACC, but if we try to use the imported fonts in template most of the fonts are working as expected in both email and browser but...
Hi Team, I am just loading the csv file with some feilds into delivery and sending the emails through external file target mapping. In the delivery i am using a personalization block which will display the value based on the values which are used in the uploaded file. Employee IDLegal Name - Last ...
Hello,Need help with an issue where icons are not getting displayed post upgrade to latest version campaign gold standard build 9032 The images in home page of Adobe campaign classic client console were seen before the upgrade and these seems to be missing post Upgrade from old version 8896. This is...