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issue in personalization block


Level 4

Hi Team, 


I am just loading the csv file with some feilds into delivery and sending the emails through external file target mapping. In the delivery i am using a personalization block which will display the value based on the values which are used in the uploaded file. 


Employee IDLegal Name - Last NamePreferred Name - First NameEmail AddressJob Category


Above is the file i have uploaded to server and sending the emails. and in the delivery i am using the value based on job category feild. 


if category = 'corporate' i need to show 1 

if category = 'call center' i need to show 2


my personalization block : 



<%if ( dataSource.Job_Category =="Corporate" ) { %>1<% } else if ( dataSource.Job_Category =="Call Center") {%>2<% } %>


in my delivery i am using this personalization block : 


<a href="https:XXXXT/en-US?type=<%@ include view='Workday_Parameters' %>" _label="Text" target="_blank">https:XXXXT/en-US?type=<%@ include view='Workday_Parameters' %></a>


Error i am getting : 


JST-#ID# Error while compiling script 'content htmlContent' line 7: XSV-#ID# Unable to set the value 'Corporate' to property 'dataSource.Job_Category' because the object is read-only.. SCR-#ID# Javascript&colon; error while evaluating script 'content htmlContent'.



6 Replies


Level 9

Hi @Ramaswami - try adding a final else{} statement to your else if{}

<%if ( dataSource.Job_Category =="Corporate" ) { %>1<% } else if ( dataSource.Job_Category =="Call Center") {%>2<% } else {} %>




Level 4
Hi @Dareen, i can't able to add this in <a> tag. if i use this in href like <a href="http://xx.com/<include personalizationblock>"></a>.. its given me the link as http://xx.com/123 ( it should be 1 or 2 or 3 but not 123 )


Community Advisor



Does it say dataSource.Job_Category =="Corporate" or dataSource.Job_Category ="Corporate"?





Level 4
it says job_category == 'corporate' and its working now. thanks for the reply nick


Community Advisor
Did you change it to ==?


Level 4

hi @Jonathon_wodnicki


It's working if i include the personalization block normally but when i include in hyperlink it's not working. 


my personalization block: 

ExitSurvey : 

if ( dataSource.Job_Category == "Corporate" ) { %>1<%
} %><%
else if ( dataSource.Job_Category == "Call Center" ) { %>2<%
} %><%
else if ( dataSource.Job_Category == "XXXXXXX" ) { %>3<%
} %><%
else { %>0<%
} %>


my hyperlink : 


i tried below ways : for (Job_Category == "Call Center")

way 1: 

<a href="https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type=<%@ include view='ExitSurvey' %>" target="_blank">https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type=<%@ include view='ExitSurvey' %></A>

output :  https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type=2 when i click this link the redirect link i am seeing is : https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type=1230

it is including all '1230' not using the conditional block used in personalization block when i use the block inside href


way 2: 

<a href="https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type="+<%@ include view='ExitSurvey' %> target="_blank">https://domain/6CD9B920/G10DF6LT/en-US?type=<%@ include view='ExitSurvey' %></A>


This way i am getting error in personlization block.