Dear community, I am unable to fetch the data between days. I need the data from current date before 9 days and 14 days. For example: Workflow is running today (28-09-2024) but I need the data between from 14 days to 9 days (form 14-09-2024 to 19-09-2024) RegardsSatya
Hello, After updating servers to 7.4.1 we have another weird issue going on.Issue is with uploading files:Select file upload from local machine. File is uploaded successfully. But when clicking on 'Ok' I get prompt as if the process is not finished When we click on yes and Ok again we get error ...
Hi, I have the license for this module, but I don't know how to install or configure it so I can use it. Can anyone provide me with documentation or explain the steps to follow to do so? Thanks in advance as always,B
Hi all I am deleting the file from SFTP using file transfer activity (eg: i have 3 files )i will receive the multiple signals After this file transfer activity i am using external signal but i should pass only one signal to the external signal how do i do this Any one please help me. Thanks and r...
Hi all, I am a semi new developer on adobe campaign classic v7 and very new to all these JWT / Oauth technologies so please excuse me ! I am working for a client which uses JWT on Adobe Campaign API.I upgraded to 7.4.1 and made the new credentials in developer console, but don't understand where to ...
I'm using regular expression to find the present file: XXX_CENTRAL_DIF.csv.gz or XXX_TOP_DIF.csv.gz. File transfer should find any of this and then Data Loading should load the data so later an Update Activity can ingest it into the schema.In the server folder, I'm using (regex) : 01_IMPORT_FILES/DT...
Hi, I can only finde documentation for the standard version but not for classic. I cant open that url. Thanks in advance,Blanca
hi all, can we do AB Testing activity using Delivery activity (I am not taking about email delivery activity )in adobe campaign plz suggest if anyone has doneAB Testing activity using Delivery activity in adobe campaign does out of box ab testjavascript activity codework with Delivery activity in ...