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Adobe Campaign Classic Integration with Adobe Analytics (Server Error in Campaign Classic)


Level 1

Here is the error I am getting when I try to submit in Adobe Campaign.

Cannot process request for method 'batchSaveClassificationsStatus'. Error Message: 'ServiceException: No Classification could be savedclassification 'Delivery Tool' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Channel' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Delivery Label' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Operation Nature' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Operation Label' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 1' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 2' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Custom Tag 3' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present
classification 'Contact Date' not found on Adobe Analytics in context of extAccount 'rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics'. it was supposed to be created and present'. Request Details: '{"method":"batchSaveClassificationsStatus","internalName":"rnkMeccaBingoAnalytics","useUserAccessTokenIfPresent":"true"}'

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Hi Keith,


Please contact Analytics Support for assistance and reference AN-318244, an internal issue with Analytics R&D involving taxonomist changes that appears to be causing your issue.


Depending on your version of Campaign, you may need to upgrade to accept the latest taxonomy changes but it would be best reviewed by Analytics first.




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5 Replies


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Hi Keith,


Please contact Analytics Support for assistance and reference AN-318244, an internal issue with Analytics R&D involving taxonomist changes that appears to be causing your issue.


Depending on your version of Campaign, you may need to upgrade to accept the latest taxonomy changes but it would be best reviewed by Analytics first.





Level 1

we are on the latest version of campaign


Level 4

Hi @KeithBrawn ,


It looks like the classifications in Analytics Report Suite are not configured correctly. Could you please check the configurations again?


And also in the External account navigate to Data settings in the General tab and check whether the Classifications configurations are visible or not.



Raviteja Gundu.


Level 1

It say's classification not found, what should I do?


Community Advisor

Hello @KeithBrawn 


If you are on build 9356 and above, reconfigure/re-authenticate your Web Analytics external account with the Adobe ID login.


If you are not on that build, upgrade to 9356/9359 or contact Adobe for a hotfix to your instance.

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