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How can I implement AAM through adobe launch with using adobe analytics?


Level 3

I have been trying to use DIL but can not figure out how it works. Can anyone pleas help.

8 Replies


Level 9

Hi there,

If you have AA and AAM both, then do not use separate AAM extension in Launch or DIL code. Server Side forwarding implementation of AAM is recommended in that case.

You need to use AA extension in Launch and enable AAM from there and enable Server Side Forwarding on report suite.

Check these docs for more info:

Adobe Audience Manager Help | Implementing Audience Manager via Server-Side Forwarding in Launch by ... Enable Server Side Forwarding in Adobe Launch

Adobe Analytics Help | Migrating from Tracking Server to Report Suite-Level Server-Side Forwarding

Let us know if you would need further assistance on this.


Varun Kalra


Level 3

But I am not using AA. I need to directly send website data to AAM without implementing AA. How can I do that?


Employee Advisor

Hello There,

In Launch, it is required to provide custom code for AAM as per this documentation which will collect data without AA.

Please follow this documentation and let us know for any additional question.


Level 3

Hello there,

Since I am not using AA and implementing AAM through launch(using the AAM extension) on a website.

I can see an option in my AAM extension,'Run Custom Code'. What do i need to add here?Is there any standard code that can be followed.

Just to test,I made a test rule and added the custom code in that but the value is not been passed to AAM as I don't see any corresponding signal.

Where am I going wrong here?


Employee Advisor


Please share company name and property name in a direct message so that I can check settings and revert.




If you are implementing AAM without AA, this is nothing but Client Side implementation where we need the DIL libraries and instantiation code. Could you tell us what you are using to collect data from the website? (Is it Google Analytics?)

If yes, there is a custom code that needs to be added to facilitate data collection from Google Analytics to AAM.

You can refer this link for more information.

Send Data Elements to Audience Manager with DIL

Could you provide more details on what you want to capture from your website and bring into Audience Manager?


Neetha Tandur


Level 3

Sorry, I can't do that.


Level 10

Hey madhum20 ,

Were you able to resolve this query? If yes, what was the resolution.

