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DCS and ID Sync Implementation


Level 9

Hello everyone,


Do you have any suggestion how to implement DCS and ID Sync Implementation from an external web site to AAM?


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 6

@Luca_Lattarini Yes, here is an example and the documentation. 






use.demdex.net : USA East Region DCS Server

d_rtbd=json : Required if you want a JSON response from the DCS.

d_dst=1 : Returns URL destination data in the JSON response.

d_jsonv=1 : Indicates the JSON version to use in the response. Normally, you should set this to d_jsonv=1. Setting d_jsonv=0 disables ID syncs.

d_cts=2 : Returns segment IDs for the segments.

d_orgid : The Adobe Org ID in scope

d_cid= : Contains one or more pairs of data provider IDs ( DPID) and data provider user IDs ( DPUUID) assigned by Audience Manager. Can also be the data source ID and the data source user ID and the Authentication Status.



DCS Documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/audience-manager/user-guide/api-and-sdk-code/dcs/dcs-api-ref...

Authentication State Documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/reference/authenticated-state.html?lang=en#...


View solution in original post

12 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 6

@Luca_Lattarini Yes, here is an example and the documentation. 






use.demdex.net : USA East Region DCS Server

d_rtbd=json : Required if you want a JSON response from the DCS.

d_dst=1 : Returns URL destination data in the JSON response.

d_jsonv=1 : Indicates the JSON version to use in the response. Normally, you should set this to d_jsonv=1. Setting d_jsonv=0 disables ID syncs.

d_cts=2 : Returns segment IDs for the segments.

d_orgid : The Adobe Org ID in scope

d_cid= : Contains one or more pairs of data provider IDs ( DPID) and data provider user IDs ( DPUUID) assigned by Audience Manager. Can also be the data source ID and the data source user ID and the Authentication Status.



DCS Documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/audience-manager/user-guide/api-and-sdk-code/dcs/dcs-api-ref...

Authentication State Documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/reference/authenticated-state.html?lang=en#...



Level 9
Hi @josejr19, Basically we want to implement this approach where we have Adobe Launch/Adobe Analytics on a different Adobe Org Id than AAM.. Is it possible?


Level 6
Can you share a little bit more about the use case? It sounds like the AAM instance is either from a 2nd party data partner or another company part of your greater company. If so I am trying to get more information on 1 use case I have seen where there was multiple instances but it only worked because they both were for the same domain. So the site had 2 AMCV cookies but with different Org IDs. The cookie names where "AMCV-ADOBEEORGID1" and the other was "AMCV-ADOBEEORGID2".


Level 6
Additionally, I am interested more on your use case because it might be a good fit for the new server side Launch capabilities where you have forward on the server side data to other Launch Org IDs.


Level 9

Hi @josejr19, Basically we have Web Site A with AA/Launch Adobe Org ID A and Adobe Org ID B where it is located AAM. Same company but different Adobe Org ID.


My use case is: track customer action on Web Site A and send data to AAM and identify the customer in AAM. Currently we are searching the best approach. Below my question:


1) Is it feasible to implment data collection by creating a DIL inside doPlugin in AA on Adobe Org ID A and send data to AAM (Adobe Org ID B)?

For example this var stbDIL = DIL.create({ partner: "xxxx", containerNSID: 0, uuidCookie: { name: "aam_uuid", days: 30, secure: true }, visitorService: { namespace: 'Adobe Org ID B' } });


2) Is it possible to implement Sync Method on Adobe Launch for instance? document.write("<img src=\"https:// xxxxxx.demdex/event?”d_cid_ic= xxxx%01" + _satellite.getVar("<xx data element name>") + "%011&d_rtbd=json&jsonv=1\">");

3) We have a custom legacy system (java job) which pull data from AA( Adobe Org ID A), we are thinking to use this as bridge to use AAM API programmatically but I think that I cannot look up customer id with API.

Any suggestion?


Level 6
Do you have a separate Launch and AA instance with the AAM instance you are trying to use on site A? If not than why not just move it there, that would simplify everything for you. From a server side standpoint, right now my understanding is you can only map AA and AAM instance on the same ORG ID for S2S integration. On the client side you can have both separate, but if you want to do anything with that AA data under ORG1, it won’t be forwarded to ORG2. Instead you will need to reconcile offline which is going to be extra work. In the use case I am referencing, we needed to do numerous jobs where we would send specific files of AA data from one AAM instance to the other AAM instance for activation.


Level 9
josejr19 Yes AAM has its own AA but it its a different portal. Our aim is to match customer cross domain.


Level 6
So what I shared still applies, you can do it on the client side but will need to have jobs to export the data and send it to the other instance. I really think you should contact Adobe about the server side Launch beta. I think it would be a great fit and it would be something that would be more efficient and scalable. Here is documentation on it. Here is the link, read under "Enable Launch Server Side" https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/launch/using/server-side-info/server-side-getting-started.ht...


Level 9
@ josejr19, you mean, I can use DCS for online data that must be matched with offline data?And, is it possible to craete DIL inside doPlugin to send data to AAM? Does it have any impact?


Level 6
You would have 1 DIL instance for the "website 2" AAM instance. Your AA and AAM for website 1 should be using server side forwarding. You send data to the website 2 AAM instance using DIL with the configured Adobe Org ID. If you want to use the data sent to the AAM instance using the DIL code you need to understand that for site activation both of the instance need to be on the same web domain. WHen the DIL code creates an instance it will create a cookie for that specific domain you are on.


Level 9

josejr19 , it means I can create a DIL only if AA and AAM are under the same Adobe Org Id? In my case, my DIL is on Web Site A which has a different Adobe Org Id than AAM.


Level 6
Here is my recommendation. You have two instances, Website A will have Appmeasurement for Analytics with ORG1. Website A should have S2S forwarding with AAM. That is BAU. On Website A, you have two options for sending the data to your second AAM instance. Option A using DIL or Option B using your Website B Adobe Analytics instance also on Website A (the instance with the same org ID as your second AAM instance). You would have this set up as S2S as well. Either route, you will end up with multiple AMCV and AMCVS cookies but they will be slightly different because they will have different ORG IDs. If you don’t want to add your Website B Adobe Analytics on Website A you will need to send data to AAM using the DIL api. I am going to private message you an example site you can look at for guidance.