Hi all,1. Does AEM have Workflows functionality? Administrative or Technical. Please explain with an example.2. Does AAM have any client ? Or Is it only Browser?3. Algorithmic Modelling: How does it help? Please explain with an example.4. Mainly between Mobile and web, what is the difference in the ...
Hi there,I am looking to purchase/get a free trial of Adobe software that would allow me to put together customer profiles. My company has data in multiple places and I need a way to organize that data in one place to get a "360 degree view" of our current and past customers. Which Adobe product wil...
Hi,I read that AAM container tag may contain multiple tags/ cookies on DSPs, business sites, static sites, first party sites, etc.1. Is AAM container tag same as DIL code?2. Does AAM container tag contain multiple tags/ cookies on DSPs, business sites, static sites, first party sites, etc?3. What ex...
Hello Community,I am looking for an approach to utilize Demandbase product with Adobe Audience Manager. For tracking, we need to use Google Analytics.I am thinking of below 2 approaches & have below questions:1.Integrate Demandbase with AAM directly , here GA will act as a 1st party data source to p...
How do you send AMO data - impressions, clicks, Ad Group, Ad Campaigns and KWs to AAM. I need to build segments and traits in AAM and using AMO variables. Anything else can be sent to AAM from AMO such as Ad Copy etc?ThanksAnish
Hi,Is there any integration between UUID vs DoubleClick cookie id? Let's say, I have a visitor who visited my own website and also clicked on of my brand's ad in a publisher's website using DoubleClick as AdExchange. If I can get the exposure file from DoubleClick which has the DoubleClick cookie i...
Hi,Let us assume a case where Adobe Analytics receives data from web site directly and AAM receives segments from Adobe Analytics.Web Page --> Adobe Analytics --> AAM.AAM does not have direct link with Web Page.1. What is the role of DIL here?My understanding is that DIL is for AAM to receive data f...
If we have the scenario below:Segment 1 with Trait A and not Trait B.Segment 2 with Trait A and Trait B.There is a user on Segment 1 because he has qualified trait A but not B. If he qualifies trait B: Does he quit Segment 1?Does he belong to both segments?Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi all,Kindly let me know the Deliverables in a typical AAM Implementation.I checked for Adobe Audience Manager Implementation Guide for this without any use.Appreciate your replies.Thanks,Rama.