Hello, We have been working with Overlap - Trait to Trait and we have not found the way to select the traits that we need. There are many traits loaded in the tool, but not all. Is this the expected behaviour? Is there any way to select the traits that we need?Thanks in advance for your time and bes...
Hi all,I have a system where the Email ID of a visitor is captured and stored in a customer database.AAM is connected to Adobe Campaign. I use Adobe Profiles and Audiences Core.Adobe Campaign needs to use this email ID to send email to that visitor.Kindly suggest how this Email ID reaches Adobe Camp...
Where do you see this option in Analytics Admin UI under Report Suite Settings -> General? Unable to find it. Server-Side Forwarding says one needs to enable this for AA data to move into AM
Hi,DIL itself is a JS library, used for AAM.JS is used for AA.1. Is DIL a super set of JS? What exactly is the difference between these two?2. Could AA interpret DIL?3. If AA is connected to the site and AAM is connected to AA, will DIL traverse through AA to AAM?If AA does not understand DIL, will ...
Hi,Let us think of a scenario where we use Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Optimizer and Adobe Audience Manager with a web site based on Java.In this case, the only Adobe Marketing Cloud product is Adobe Audience Manager.In such a case, is there a use for Profiles and Audiences Core, g...
Hi all,DIL is used to connect AAM with Web Pages.Will DIL work for Mobile Apps as well?In other words, how different is AAM implementation on web pages and Mobile Apps?Appreciate your responses.Thanks,Rama.
Some of our clients use Adobe Audience Manager and we're investigating integration options with AAM. The use-case relevant to us is getting a list of contacts (emails) from AAM so that we can suppress them during campaign targeting. We looked through the product documentation and it mentions the fol...
Hi all,1. Does AEM have Workflows functionality? Administrative or Technical. Please explain with an example.2. Does AAM have any client ? Or Is it only Browser?3. Algorithmic Modelling: How does it help? Please explain with an example.4. Mainly between Mobile and web, what is the difference in the ...
Hi there,I am looking to purchase/get a free trial of Adobe software that would allow me to put together customer profiles. My company has data in multiple places and I need a way to organize that data in one place to get a "360 degree view" of our current and past customers. Which Adobe product wil...