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AEP Web SDK Migration - Query on Audience Manager Set Customer ID


Level 2

Hi Team,

We are working on migrating to AEP using Web SDK. Since AEP uses identity service and RTCDP for the ID sync, do we still need to set the user-ID using the following logic still to continue to use AAM as is for the ID sync?


var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("abc@AdobeOrg");
"user_id": {


Also, since Experience Cloud ID service extension is no longer needed, how we need to set this up, using custom code?


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1 Akzeptierte Lösung


Korrekte Antwort von
Employee Advisor

Hello @satyanarayanam1 ,


To implement ID sync using AEP Web SDK, please utilize data element of type "Identity Map" and use this in AEP sendEvent Action.



So, steps will be as follows:

1. Create data element as above.

2. Create rule to fire AEP SendEvent action in which refer to your data element as your XDMObject.


Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further question.

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9 Antworten


Korrekte Antwort von
Employee Advisor

Hello @satyanarayanam1 ,


To implement ID sync using AEP Web SDK, please utilize data element of type "Identity Map" and use this in AEP sendEvent Action.



So, steps will be as follows:

1. Create data element as above.

2. Create rule to fire AEP SendEvent action in which refer to your data element as your XDMObject.


Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further question.


Level 2

@Ankita_Sodhi  - 

Thank you very much for answering the query. Yes, we are sending the detail as suggested already, will that be enough for the ID sync to work for both platform as well as Audience manager?, do we still need any more steps to do (AAM Server Side Enabled).


Employee Advisor

Hello @satyanarayanam1 ,


That would be all for ID sync and forwarding data to AAM.


Level 5

@Ankita_Sodhi I have a follow-up query. In AAM, we used to ID sync against a specific data source or integration code. How would we do that in AEP Web SDK?


Employee Advisor

Hello @pradeep_nextrow ,


Thank you for your question.

The datasource or integration is now defined by "namespace" which acts as your datasource in AEP.




Ankita Sodhi


Level 5

@Ankita_Sodhi Thanks, helps! I was trying this with my sandbox and was not able to find the AAM datasources (cross-device) listed in AEP's Namespaces. Should we require provisioning for this? We already raised a provisioning for segment sharing b/w AEP and AAM, is this related to that?


Level 2

@Ankita_Sodhi  - Will the integration code and name space should match exact?

Example - user_id as integration code in legacy whereas User ID as name space in AEP, will the AAM still does the sync with no issues? or this is mandatory to be same on both ends?


Community Advisor

Thank you for posting this query. Really helpful discussion.


Level 2

@Ankita_Sodhi @pradeep_nextrow  - 

Can you help me understand how the SSF works when we enable AAM from the edge front.


Based on my understanding, once we enable the SSF for AAM from the edge front - the data/signals gets sent to AAM directly from the site to edge then to AAM instead legacy approach where signals gets transferred from AA.


1) Will there be any impact or work required on the existing audience, segmenets on AAM front due the data flowing from edge.

2) In case any update needed in AAM, what is that to keep our audience and segments intact.

3) How the segments need to be transitioned from c_ to XDM path for the data items.

4) When SSF is enabled in Edge as well as in AA reportsuite - which one will take precedence.