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Who manages the librarycode metadata which appears when comparing revisions?


Level 1

Today after making some modifications in Adobe Analytics extension, during code review one of my colleagues noticed a strange addition which I haven't done it. 


Who manages the librarycode metadata and what is it for? I tried to look everywhere to try and modify it back but I was unable to find any reference to it. 

Any help would be appreciate it!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Most of this code is managed just through the settings that you set in the Adobe Analytics extension.


I'm not sure which fields here you are specifically referencing, but the CustomSetup key I believe refers to if you decide to change the the library management... (i.e. "Manage Library for Me" vs "Use the Library Already Installed on the Page", etc)


The Library Code... this is all generated by what you place into the extension.... the "company" key, I believe comes from Adobe (basically the alias/id for your company under which your suites sit), this doesn't need to be explicitly set, because in this case, the extension manages it; likely getting the value based specifically on the suite you have chosen.


The "Source" value is the scripts that you have put in the Custom Code editor in the extension... so that is all code managed by you.


I wouldn't exactly call this "metadata", as generally that means more data which gives classification and additional information to provide context.... what you are looking at is more like the generated code that is created by the all the information you placed into the extension interface.


So basically... you manage this... it's just that Adobe Launch is generating the code for you from the user interface that you are interacting with.

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3 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Most of this code is managed just through the settings that you set in the Adobe Analytics extension.


I'm not sure which fields here you are specifically referencing, but the CustomSetup key I believe refers to if you decide to change the the library management... (i.e. "Manage Library for Me" vs "Use the Library Already Installed on the Page", etc)


The Library Code... this is all generated by what you place into the extension.... the "company" key, I believe comes from Adobe (basically the alias/id for your company under which your suites sit), this doesn't need to be explicitly set, because in this case, the extension manages it; likely getting the value based specifically on the suite you have chosen.


The "Source" value is the scripts that you have put in the Custom Code editor in the extension... so that is all code managed by you.


I wouldn't exactly call this "metadata", as generally that means more data which gives classification and additional information to provide context.... what you are looking at is more like the generated code that is created by the all the information you placed into the extension interface.


So basically... you manage this... it's just that Adobe Launch is generating the code for you from the user interface that you are interacting with.


Community Advisor

If you had updated the Analytics extension, then some settings could have been updated, including those that you have highlighted.


Level 10

In your case you did not update the extension as you can see with the extension version at the top of the comparison view.


In terms of the custom properties you see, these are the settings generated/returned by the extension when you use its features like selecting something or entering a value. Once you save it then the settings object is generated and a specific format of the settings object is created for each extension as configured by the developer. This settings object will then be saved and compiled in the final Adobe Launch library (check you launch library without the .min and you should see its full format)


This could have been the result of someone doing a changes on your side and saving it.


libraryCode property as far as I can see refers to the Library Management section in Adobe Analytics extension, so you must have selected something different in this section.


I checked on my side and I cannot see the value but it might be to how our Adobe Launch is integrated. I checked he source code of the extension and there is reference to the company property and I would say based on what I have seen, it is linked to the section in the extension where the following is displayed: "The company chosen here is only used to pre-populate the list of available report suites on this page".


So it has no impact on launch runtime on your website!