Hi all, I am in the process of migrating the existing Adobe AdCloud tags to the web SDK. The documentation suggests that the only thing which is needed is the script below.
<script src="https://www.everestjs.net/static/le/last-event-tag-latest.min.js">
if("undefined" != typeof AdCloudEvent)
stitchId = AdCloudEvent('IMS ORG Id','rsid').generateRandomId();
Above code is in the sync tag, which which is loaded straight after the AEP base code.
Validation / Debugging:
Open Chrome Developer Tools and click the Network tab.
Load a website page that contains the Analytics for Advertising JavaScript.
Filter the Network tab by last and review two rows:
The first row is the call to the JavaScript library and is titled last-event-tag-latest.min.js.
The second row is the call sending the request to Adobe Advertising. It begins as follows: _les_imsOrgId=[your_imsOrgId_here]&_les_url=[your_encoded_url]
If you don’t see the call to Adobe Advertising, then it might not be the first page view of your visit. For testing purposes, you can remove the cookie so that the next call is the first page view for the corresponding visit
WHEN I filter on /interact to verify that the request payload to the Edge Network contains advertisingStitchID
I can not find anything in the _adCloud property in the xdm request (obviously no advertisingStitchIDeither).
Documentation: JavaScript Code for Analytics for Advertising | Adobe Advertising
Question: Do I need to see OR interact with the ad in order to do this test ?
I know the question sounds a bit silly, but just wanted to be 100% sure.