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Unpublished Analytics segment still shows up in Audience Manager


Community Advisor

I have an Analytics segment that had been published to Experience Cloud, and so it shows up in Audience Manager. That's all well and good.

But now, after unpublishing that segment, it still appears in Audience Manager. I took a further step of deleting that segment in Analytics, yet it is still in Audience Manager. I can't delete this segment in Audience Manager, because I get the error alert "This resource is created and can only be modified by service."

How can I get rid of this segment once and for all in Audience Manager?


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3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I can't believe this still has no responses.. I don't have Audience Manager so I can't really help   I wish I could....



While I'm sure you already found this.. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/audience-manager/user-guide/features/segments/paused-deleted... 


I hope you can figure this out.



Unfortunately I don't have any experience with Audience Manager either, but I was alerted to this post not having an answer yet, and I've been hunting for an answer. Stay tuned.



See this note in the Analytics documentation. This is by design.


You cannot unpublish a segment that is currently in use by any of the following Adobe solutions: Analytics (in Audience Analytics), Campaign, Advertising Cloud (for Core Service & Audience Manager customers) and all other external partners (for Audience Manager customers). You can unpublish a segment that is in use by Target.


The recommendation is to remove these dependencies in AAM (by deleting the destinations mapped to this segment) and try unpublish again.