I have following case:
In a input form we're having a city field, which represents the city the user searches something in, Dimension is named city_combo
For Example:
1) User has by default the located city in there, like Madrid
2) User doesn't want to search in Madrid, but in Barcelona, dimension gets set the new value
How can i find out, how many users change the default of the dimension, not based on cities?
I want to have a metric, which represents the # of users who change the default localization, regardless of which city he changes to.
Thanks in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi danielf16493531
I believe the provided solution works perfectly for the desired use case, maybe needs some testing/adjustments regarding the number.
assume you have a single visit where user searches 3 times for "madrid", twice for "barcelona", that would be "2 different values" for the "city_combo". that means if you are looking for users who made 1 change, that would be 2 "distinct count" for the desired value.
I would take the segment provided by asheep above and do the following modifications:
1) change to "visit" container
2) change to "equals 2" or "equals 3". there might be cases where the user didn't have a value for "city combo", that means the item has a first value of "undefined". so looking for "distinct count = 3" moght be the right condition for those users in question (unspecified/madrid/barcelone).
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HI Daniel,
All you need to do it, create a distinct count segment with "city_combo" dimension as shown below.
Now use this segment "City Combo Distinct Count >= 2" to create a calculate metrics as shown below..save it.
This calculated metrics is ready to use with date on month dimension etc. to see how many users changed default city.
Hi asheep. great solution!
just a small thing: I would change the segment to "visit" container.
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Thanks @ursboller, I agree as we are looking for city_combo dimension change in a visit, segment should be change to "visit container".
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Hi Guys,
this can't work - because the city_combo gets fired every time the user searches
He could do 5 searches in Madrid and 3 in Barcelona, but i want the amount the user changed the city - in this case 1.
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Hi danielf16493531
I believe the provided solution works perfectly for the desired use case, maybe needs some testing/adjustments regarding the number.
assume you have a single visit where user searches 3 times for "madrid", twice for "barcelona", that would be "2 different values" for the "city_combo". that means if you are looking for users who made 1 change, that would be 2 "distinct count" for the desired value.
I would take the segment provided by asheep above and do the following modifications:
1) change to "visit" container
2) change to "equals 2" or "equals 3". there might be cases where the user didn't have a value for "city combo", that means the item has a first value of "undefined". so looking for "distinct count = 3" moght be the right condition for those users in question (unspecified/madrid/barcelone).
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Hi ursboller,
I worked it out and the numers are telling this:
I'd interpret this like "99,9% of the Users are switching their city they want to search in, i don't think this is a valid calculation, by now.
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I would turn the condition to "greater than or equal 3" since it looks as "unspecified" is messing up your segment ("unspecified" is counted as a value!)
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Hi ursboller,
now this looks very good:
Thanks for all the help, everyone!
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