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Test n target plugin for AppMeasurement


Level 3

We are moving to AppMeasurement for s_code and the T n T plugin given by our Clint care is not working with the new AppMeasurement.  Any help on this is appreciated.

The code i got is 

<script type="text/javascript">
/*T&T to SiteCat v4.3 ==>Response Plugin*/
window.s_tnt = window.s_tnt || '', tntVal = '${http://campaign.id%7D:$%7Bcampaign.recipe.id%7D:$%7Bcampaign.recipe.trafficType')">campaign.id}:${campaign.recipe.id}:${campaign.recipe.trafficType},';
if (window.s_tnt.indexOf(tntVal) == -1) {
    window.s_tnt += tntVal
if (mboxFactories.get('default').isDomLoaded() && (window.s && http://window.s.tl')">window.s.tl)) {
  var ltv = s.linkTrackVars;
  var lte = s.linkTrackEvents;
  s.linkTrackVars = 'tnt';
  s.linkTrackEvents = 'None';
http://s.tl(%60TnT')">s.tl('TnT', 'o', 'TnT');
  s.linkTrackVars = ltv;
  s.linkTrackEvents = lte;

I feel there is some typo in this code. Please let me know the right code.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hi Vidya,

Below is the code I found internally. What I can see is the additional 'http://' may be the culprits.



<script type="text/javascript">
/*T&T to SiteCat v4.3 ==>Response Plugin*/
window.s_tnt = window.s_tnt || '', tntVal = '${campaign.id}:${campaign.recipe.id}:${campaign.recipe.trafficType},';
if (window.s_tnt.indexOf(tntVal) == -1) {
    window.s_tnt += tntVal
if (mboxFactories.get('default').isDomLoaded() && (window.s && window.s.tl)) {
   var ltv = s.linkTrackVars;
   var lte = s.linkTrackEvents;
   s.linkTrackVars = 'tnt';
   s.linkTrackEvents = 'None';
   s.linkTrackVars = ltv;
   s.linkTrackEvents = lte;

View solution in original post

6 Replies



Hi Vidya,

Do you have target standard or target classic? 

Target Standard uses a modified version of the Adobe Target mbox.js file.

To use the new Adobe Target Visual Experience Editor, you must include an additional line of JavaScript as part of your mbox.js file.

If you have both Target Standard and Target Classic, you can use the following procedure to update your mbox.js file. If you use Target Standard but do not have Target Classic, contact ClientCare or your consultant or account manager to set up a target.js file.

Click Setup > Implementation in Target Standard.
Click Download mbox.js and follow the prompts to save the file.
Create the mbox.js reference on the website.
Beginning with mbox.js version 57, the mbox.js reference can be placed anywhere within the <head> section of the page.

Reference: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/ov/t_mbox_download.html

Also these implementation checkpoints may help you as well - https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/a4t/c_before_implement.html & https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/a4t/c_a4timplementation.html




Level 3

Hi Tanmay,

I don't think we need to update mbox.js. My understanding is just updating the plugin should work. That's what transition to AppMeasurement reference says. The reference that you have given doesn't say that we need to do that to work with AppMeasurement. Any thoughts?



Correct answer by

Hi Vidya,

Below is the code I found internally. What I can see is the additional 'http://' may be the culprits.



<script type="text/javascript">
/*T&T to SiteCat v4.3 ==>Response Plugin*/
window.s_tnt = window.s_tnt || '', tntVal = '${campaign.id}:${campaign.recipe.id}:${campaign.recipe.trafficType},';
if (window.s_tnt.indexOf(tntVal) == -1) {
    window.s_tnt += tntVal
if (mboxFactories.get('default').isDomLoaded() && (window.s && window.s.tl)) {
   var ltv = s.linkTrackVars;
   var lte = s.linkTrackEvents;
   s.linkTrackVars = 'tnt';
   s.linkTrackEvents = 'None';
   s.linkTrackVars = ltv;
   s.linkTrackEvents = lte;


Level 3

Thankyou so much Tanmay. Now another question i have added this snippet under plugin section. We need to call the plugin function s_doPlugins(s) how should we call. In the old code it was s.tnt=s.trackTNT(); . Do we have anything for this?


Level 3

Tanmay I believe we need not have to call these functions right. They should work the way we have added.



I am not sure if anything else is required to call this plugin. You could look into this article if it helps - https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/ov/c_mbox_technical.html
