I'm pretty new to Adobe Analytics but I do have some knowledge of setting up segments based on logic.
I'm trying to create a segment based on users who had input certain criteria into my (v1) events AND it was the last thing they did before they left the site.
To put it in context, we have a travel site and after a user inputs their destination of choice, we want to be able to target those users based on the LAST destination they viewed. Since its likely they have browsed around on the site looking at other locations, we want to make our segments very specific for what they last saw.
I already have the segments created for those specific locations based on my (v1)'s, but I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to make the logic only show that this was the LAST destination they inputted before leaving the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
asheeshp can you use the metric "exits" with an eVar within a segment? never tryed...
peekchris83 if it does not work with the "exits" metric I can think of 2 solutions:
1) use a prop which has a "exit dimension" by default. but be aware that this is based on a visit (not visitor), means you need to segment on the last visit)
2) try using a "sequential segment" like this
"hit container" where {
"visitor container (exclude/sequence before)"
where "v1 exists" then "v1 exists"
"v1 exists"
what it does: the inner visitor container selects all visitors who had 2 "v1" occurencies, but only select the hits until the first hit of the last match (so it leaves out the last "v1" occurency). if you exclude this inner container you get visitors who a) had 2 occurencies but only hits with and after last occurency AND b) all visitors not matching the sequence! thats why you need to add the additional "hit-container" so you only receive hits where v1 exists.
hint: more about sequential segments here: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/analytics/components/segmentation/segmentation-workflow/seg-s...
remark: I don't know if you can use this segment outside of analytics workspace since it uses the "then condition". if you want to use it outside, have a look at the right side when creating the segment: below the "preview circle" you have a note in which tools you can use the segment
Adobe analytics has a default metric "Exits" to solve that. more details about Exits.
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asheeshp can you use the metric "exits" with an eVar within a segment? never tryed...
peekchris83 if it does not work with the "exits" metric I can think of 2 solutions:
1) use a prop which has a "exit dimension" by default. but be aware that this is based on a visit (not visitor), means you need to segment on the last visit)
2) try using a "sequential segment" like this
"hit container" where {
"visitor container (exclude/sequence before)"
where "v1 exists" then "v1 exists"
"v1 exists"
what it does: the inner visitor container selects all visitors who had 2 "v1" occurencies, but only select the hits until the first hit of the last match (so it leaves out the last "v1" occurency). if you exclude this inner container you get visitors who a) had 2 occurencies but only hits with and after last occurency AND b) all visitors not matching the sequence! thats why you need to add the additional "hit-container" so you only receive hits where v1 exists.
hint: more about sequential segments here: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/analytics/components/segmentation/segmentation-workflow/seg-s...
remark: I don't know if you can use this segment outside of analytics workspace since it uses the "then condition". if you want to use it outside, have a look at the right side when creating the segment: below the "preview circle" you have a note in which tools you can use the segment
Hi @peekchris83,
Don't you have an eVar setup for "Destination" which uses the last allocation and expire on a visit?
You can set up multiple segment on visit-container and assign value for your every destination. This will give you a logical group of audience based on their last destination of choice. But you have to create many segments as per my solution.
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Hi ltaparia
if you take a "visit" segment and condition "v1" (destination) equals "new york" (or whatever), it will have all visits who once had this destination within the visit. this must not be the last destination they selected! I think that is not what was asked in the initial question....
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Hi @ursboller, when we set up an eVar allocation as "Most Recent (Last)" and it expires on a visit, couldn't we meet criteria to store last destination user has decided in his visit?
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the "most recent (last)" is calculated based on the selected metric. giving you a simple example based on the initial question.
example user journey
User comes to travel website and looks for a trip to "los angeles" without booking (v1="los angeles"). next he looks for a trip to "new york" (v1="new york") and books a travel ("purchase event").
reporting purchase
lets look at the "purchase event" and break down by "v1. as expected the example journey would show up (1 purchase) and the destination will be "new york" (as expected, because it was the "last value" at the moment of the purchase)
reporting visits
the problem starts if you do not look at a single hit (purchase event) but at a whole visit. lets assume you take the "visit" metric and you only have the above user in your data. the user will show up with 1 visit (as expected). but if you break down by v1 (destination) you would see both "los angeles" AND "new york"! the reason is that it looks at each single hit and checks what was the last value of v1 at this moment. and since both destination where "last value" once in the visit, they will both show up.
you have several options to create segments. in the above example you could create a hit- segment and check for "purchase event" and v1="new york" which would include the user of our example. changing the destination (but leaving the "purchase event") the user would NOT show up since he only had the event for "new york".
the problem gets difficult if you want the "last destination" which does not need to be the moment of a purchase. the same user might have searched for "san francisco" later on. the question is, how you can create a hit-segment on the last value? you need to have either a "last hit event" (which does not exists) or you need to find another segment definition which filters out the "last value". that is where you can use the segment definition I wrote before, it will look for a sequence and filter accordingly. the result is a hit-segment where you really have the "last value" regardless of any events...
I hope that this helps to understand how Adobe Analytics works especially with segments and "last value".
It worked for me...
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asheeshp great to see - but isn't the metric "exits" a "visit based metric"? means if you select visitors based on that segment, it will look at the last values of every visit (not the last value in the whole journey...). don't know what was the original intent of the question...
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@ursboller you are correct in your understanding of the question. I'm looking to segment users for the last viewed content before they either left the site OR made a purchased.
you mentioned 2 methods in an earlier thread.
I'm leaning towards using the first option since we can use an Exit Prop. However, how do I "segment on last visit".
I tried making the 2 option in the screenshot. There are a few issues/question I have.
Screen Shot:
Thanks for your guidance so far...
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try to give some feedback, I hope I get all points.
prop/exit prop
be careful - the "exit prop" is based on a single visit. means if your user has more than one visit with matching criteria, you would get multiple visits as result. and the more, it is the last value the user has seen, even after purchase (if that is possible)
purchase users
if users made a purchase, you can just create a hit-segment and add more conditions (destinations, page, ...) this should be straight forward...
users who left the site
first, please define what you mean by "left the site": are you interested in the last visit or every visit of the user? because the segment I described above can be used for the last value overall (regardless how many visits the user had). if you want the last value of ever single visit you might go with the prop/exit prop solution...
segment definition
in your screenshot the segment looks almost great, you marked the icon to change to "only before sequence". but you need to "exclude" the inner visitor container (can be done behind the gear icon next to your arrow).
if you want to have an "or" on the destination or multiple criteria, you do not need to create much more. just change the condition for a single "destination" with a "hit container" where you put in all the desired criteria combined by "or".
remark: you only need to restrict the "destination 'A'" in your screenshot, the first one can be left generic...
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Dear Chris,
Able to solve your case?
Thank You!
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Should be good! Thank you all for your help.
hi peekchris83 why did you mark your own answer as the correct one?
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