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Occurrences and Visits for OOB "Days Since Visit" Seems Far to Low


Level 4



I was comparing the OOB "Days Since Visit" dimension to some custom ones we have which serve a similar purpose (set using the Analytics plugin). I noticed there is a very large difference between the overall occurrences and visitors associated with the two.




What would explain this behavior? Based on various other dimensions, I can confirm the custom eVar is more I accurate. I reviewed the Adobe documentation on the dimension but it really did not provide any information relevant to the discrepancy I am seeing.


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2 Replies


Community Advisor

How are you determining that a user is returning to your site?


If you are using something like an authenticated login, with a unique id tied to that user account, that will obviously be more reliable than cookies (which due to things like Safari ITP, and other browser cookie policies making that form of identification less reliable), then yes, your solution is likely better.


Or do you have another way in which you are identifying users?


Or is your Adobe still configured for third party cookies vs first party cookies... if you are using first party, and still have Adobe using third party this will make a huge difference...


I believe that Web SDK uses Server Side Cookies which should be more reliable than even first party cookies, but I haven't started using it yet, so I haven't seen the results...


Level 4



We are using the ECID library/service (visitor.js).

