The instances attribution model applies to eVars with non-hit expiries.
To first explain this, I need to show how an eVar with a non-hit expiry works, let's say we are capturing an internal campaign into eVar1, and the expiry is set to "visit"
- Page A
- eVar1 is not set
- Instance of eVar1 is not triggered
- (click on internal campaign X)
- Page B
- eVar1 is set to "X"
- Instance of eVar1 is triggered, since the value of eVar1 is explicitly set
- (click on internal campaign X again)
- Page C
- eVar1 is set to "X"
- Instance of eVar1 is triggered, since the value of eVar1 is explicitly set
- Page D
- eVar1 maintains the value of "X", but it not explicitly set
- Instance of eVar1 is not triggered, since the value of eVar1 is only maintained due to the attribution
- Page E
- eVar1 maintains the value of "X", but it not explicitly set
- Instance of eVar1 is not triggered, since the value of eVar1 is only maintained due to the attribution
- (click on internal campaign X again)
- Page F
- eVar1 is set to "X"
- Instance of eVar1 is triggered, since the value of eVar1 is explicitly set
Let's say you create a segment that looks like:
eVar1 equals X
So now let's look at the definitions:
- Repeating (default) - this is the default configuration, this will return the hits for Pages B, C, D, E and F (since the "X" value is set or attributed)
- Instance - this will only return hits for Pages B, C and F, as these are the hit where X was explicitly set (where the instance of eVar1 exists)
- Non-Repeating Instances - This will return only the non-consecutive instances.. so in this case, Pages B and F (C is excluded because B and C were consecutive hits)