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Extract URLs over 255 characters with Report Builder


Level 2

Hello all,


I have a list of URLs and some of them exceed 255 characters. I've noticed that these URLs are truncated in Adobe Analytics and I lose some important data when I extract my report using Report Builder.


Is there a way to extract the full URL (including those that have more than 255 characters) using Report Builder (I tried to see how it looks with the Global Page Name, but I need some details from the URL, like the country/language)?

Is there any other dimension that I can use and that has the full URL?

Or is there any other option?

Thank you!


2 Replies


Community Advisor

So, from what I understand, the "deep" URL tracking in Adobe (the one you can only access with Raw Data feeds) will split the URL into multiple parts if it exceeds the character limit.


The custom dimensions we have access to, the max character count is 255...  but in theory, you could try setting up "URL" and "URL (part 2)", and even "URL (part 3)" if your URLs are super long...


So if your URL is under 255 characters, just pass into URL.

If it's over, pass the first 255 into URL, then take the remainder and pass into URL (part 2)

If you need to potentially do a 3 part dimension, then you would apply the same logic to the "part 2" as you did on the main, checking for character count over 255 and splitting.


Now, using in Report Builder can be a bit tricky.. yes, you can add additional dimension columns... but in my experience, it loses the reference when you edit the request.. so it's something you have to be mindful of, but I am sure with some tweaking you should be able to make something work?


I would try to use a QA or Dev suite first, pass in a few pieces of sample data and make sure you can get it working before implementing a full solution.


Level 2

@Jennifer_Dungan I dont’t think I understand. How to create the URL (part 2) if it exceeds 255 characters? Do you have an example or screen shot?