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How to create segment for specifc type of page for "Distinct Count"


Level 8
Level 8

Hi there,


We see in AA, now there is a way to create segment such as: if there a 2 products viewed in a visit.

Now, we have 5 Product Types: A, B, C, D, E.

Product Type in Dimension: PT (eVar10)

Product ID in Dimension: PN (eVar10)

Product Name in Dimension: PN (eVar12)


Could you please help to advise how to create segment for following scenario:

Visited 2 product IDs under Product Type A, which means, if a user visited 2 product IDs, 1 under Type A, 1 under Type B, then will not be included.

For example:




By creating above segment and breakdown by other dimension, we will be able to know, if a user visited 2 products under type A, what are their interested in other product type, or what are the conversions, etc.


Thanks in advance for your inputs.




5 Replies


Community Advisor

This isn't an answer, but questions for clarification:

Visit 4 is "Not included". Is it because both Product Types A and C have the same Product IDs, i.e. ending with "001", even though they're of different types?

But if so, then why is Visit 1 "Included"? It has different Product Types A and B, but both have the same Product IDs too, "001".


Level 8
Level 8

Hi @yuhui, in Visit 4, there are 3 distinct product IDs:





The product id is not 001, 002, but A-001, C-001, B-002, which means the Alphabets-Number as a whole.

Thanks for reply.


Community Advisor

Thanks for clarifying!


Community Advisor

Unfortunately, I think what you want cannot be achieved.

Basically, you want something like this:

"Include all visits where the user had a product of type A and another product of type A but is not that product that was just mentioned."

But AA's Segment builder doesn't have a condition that allows you to match a dimension on one value and another dimension on any other value except that one value. I too wish there was such a condition because it would be awesome for segmentation.

A workaround could be a segment that has something like this:


  Product equals "A-001"



    Product Type equals "A"


    Product exists


    Product does not equal "A-001"





  Product equals "A-002"



    Product Type equals "A"


    Product exists


    Product does not equal "A-002"




... etc

As you can see, that workaround works if you have a few products that you want to match. But if you have an infinite number of products, then this doesn't work any more.


Level 8
Level 8

Thanks for reply, this is what I considered as well.

But this workaround can only be done for little "Distinct Count".

Which means: Visit container:

Hit: Product Type A exist


Hit: Product Type A exist


Hit: Product Type A does not exist


Above for user visited 2 product under A.


But i wanted to create segments for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.......products viewed under type A, so simply adding the number of "Distinct" will be better, otherwise, it's super time consuming.


Anyway, thank you for the reply.

Have a good day.