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How to correctly use Adobe Analytics app?


Level 1

I created a project with Credential OAuth Web and API Adobe Analytics. Here's the scope.



Question1: how to get user info

I found that if I add email or profile to scope during authorization, I'll get xxxxx?error=invalid_scope. So when I tried to get user info, I'll only get sub field. Are there any way to change scope so I could get user info in identity token or with the get userinfo API?


I found a workaround to get user info but as it's not documented in https://developer.adobe.com/developer-console/docs/guides/authentication/UserAuthentication/IMS it's quite strange for me. I found that user info is returned when during fetching access token and refresh token. Is this a valid way to get user info?


"access_token" : "xxx",
"account_type" : "type2e",
"authAccountType" : "fed",
"authId" : "xxx",
"countryCode" : "xxx",
"displayName" : "xxx",
"email" : "xxx",
"emailVerified" : "true",
"expires_in" : 86399,
"first_name" : "xxx",
"id_token" : "xxx",
"job_function" : null,
"last_name" : "xxx",
"mrktPerm" : "",
"mrktPermEmail" : null,
"name" : "xxx",
"refresh_token" : "xxx",
"token_type" : "bearer",



Question 2: I found that I could not add scope offline_access. But I could still get refresh token with access token when fetch access token

Is this expected?


6 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I am not sure what "app" you are referring to.. the only app I am aware of is the Mobile Dashboards, but that doesn't require any of this.


Are you trying to build something using the Adobe API? I really haven't used the APIs since they switched the authentication to OAuth, so I am not sure how much help I can be...


Have you tried contacting Client Care? They would be better able to dig into your errors and help diagnose them in real time...


Good Luck.


Level 1

I mean I created a project with Oauth web credential and Adobe Analytics API. Now I'm trying to use apis for authentication and apis for Adobe Analytics.


I just want to get correct user info with authentication APIs.


Adobe Champion


From the documentation - 
Adobe IMS (Identity Management System) limits certain scopes (like email, profile) to specific flows. Adding unsupported scopes during authorization results in the invalid_scope error. The OAuth Web flow often returns minimal user information (sub, the unique user ID). However, as you've discovered, additional details (like email, name, etc.) are sometimes returned in the token response. I don't think this behavior is explicitly documented for all use cases.

The ID token (id_token) is a JWT containing user claims. You can decode it to extract user details like name and email, provided they are included. Adobe’s /userinfo endpoint typically returns user details if authorized correctly, but restrictions on scopes can complicate this.

While not officially documented, receiving user information in the token response (as part of the access/refresh token fetch) is valid. I assume you can safely use this information, especially if it is consistent across multiple requests? I haven't tried it myself yet..but maybe you can try tools like jwt.io to inspect the token contents?


Regarding offline_access -If you're receiving a refresh token without explicitly requesting the offline_access scope, it is likely an intentional design choice by Adobe. This allows you to renew access tokens without requiring the user to log in again. When fetching access tokens, Adobe may return a refresh token in the same response, as part of maintaining session continuity.


Hope this helps!



Level 1


By decoding id_token, I only get these fields. Actually I cannot get email and name info with it.

"iss": "https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com",
"sub": "xxx",
"aud": "xxx",
"iat": xxx,
"exp": xxx,
"at_hash": "xxx",
"c_hash": "xxx"


Adobe Champion

Hey @qiuwu ,

I tried to execute the code for me since I hadn't tried it before and was only trying to reference documents. Can you please specify which workaround you are using to get the userInfo returned? I am only getting sub field returned using both OAuth S2S and OAuth web method. Are you using OpenID configuration and ID Token keys?


Also, If the scopes are not available in the console, we can not query them. Identity scope is linked with Identity Service API. I believe that is the reason for invalid_scope error.

I tried few different methods but I am only getting sub result for now. I will let you know if I am able to retrieve email somehow.





Level 1

Hi @igupta ,


I'm using scope openid, AdobeID, read_organizations, additional_info.projectedProductContext, additional_info.job_function as recommanded in https://developer.adobe.com/developer-console/docs/guides/authentication/UserAuthentication/IMS/#exp... for Adobe Analytics


I got user info (includes email and name) when POST https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com/ims/token/v3 with both grant type authorization_code and refresh_token.