Would love a deep dive on this if at all possible; is this using a cookie? Are there any ramifications to privacy / GDPR legislation, and new browser standards (safari et al) that might prevent the successful identification of a return visit?
I'm sure an article exists on this somewhere but wasn't able to find it. Thank you!
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Adobe has an entire section on the "Adobe Experience Cloud Identity Service", https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/home.html?lang=en, which is how Adobe persistent ID identifies visitors.
Create two segments -
1. New Visit - where visit = 1 (equals to 1)
2. Return Visit - where visit is greater than 1
compare the segments (as dimensions) for a given time period using any number of metrics as a report in your workspace.
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Hi Roser, it includes non-cookied visitors:
Return visits: The number of visits where visit number is greater than 1. The Return Visits report includes non-cookied visitors. -Source: Compare Return Visits and Visit Number greater than 1 (adobe.com)