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Filtered dates still show


Level 2

I have a segment that only counts visits to a specific URL prior to May 1, 2022. However, when I set the panel time frame to June 1, 2022 to present day those visits STILL show. This inflates my visit # count for the month of June since it's showing months prior -- why is this happening and how can I fix it?



5 Replies


Community Advisor

Are you using any segment data that is date based or visitor? perhaps a look at segment itself could help us to help you.


Also if you are using a visit based segment could you change it to be hit based for those pages you have in question. Eliminate any carried over visitors from previous month.


Level 2


this is a look at the segment, I'm looking to capture visitors in Quarters starting May '22 and Exclude visitors prior to May '22. I have it at the hit level already


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

In just briefly viewing your segment, your second piece looks like you're including Q1 thru Q4 of FY-22.  Whether or not that includes May '22, I cannot answer unless I know the exact contents of your FY calendar, but I would venture to say your segment is LIKELY including May '22???




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Agree with @Pablo_Childe, it's all about the segment and the container controls.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear natmcd99,

Your segment includes 'date ranges' and 'data ranges' are independent of the date selection you make in your Workspace.

Se the example, below, I have included a 'date range' this year with my workspace data selection. Though my data selection is May 2022, we should see this year's data.





So, try to exclude the 'date ranges' from the segment to compare and extend. 

Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow DigitalTerryn Winter Analytics