Hi Adobe,
You are a very nice and powerfull software. I love workspace and the new features within it, but I'm loosing faith in you. We recently moved a lot of our projects into Workspace and it was all good. Then small issues started to appear: you can sent, download or schedule reports, bullets don't work with percentages, you cannot do pannels within pannels etc. These were small problems, and the power of workspace made up for this.
But then it all got worse. I don't know what we did or said to you, but currently you're giving us a very hard time. The past two days +5 people cannot access workspace and the past week it has been VERY slow and annoying to work in. It's the 01.11.2016 which means reporting period and you have put us in a bad spot.
We have tried to contact your customer client care, but the support is honestly not good enough. This is a major issues that's hurting your brand and credibility. I personally can't get work done and I need you back workspace!!!!!
Is anyone else experiencing the same issues?
All the best
A huge workspace fan, who is loosing faith
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Silas (and everyone),
This post gives me very mixed feelings: I'm glad to hear that you are using/adopting/loving Analysis Workspace, but of course I am very sorry to hear that our release last month introduced a handful of issues that are giving you pause.
We absolutely should have done a better job with that release to ensure that we did not introduce new issues while rolling out a bunch of exciting new features; it isn't okay to sacrifice the fundamentals for the shiny new object, and since the release our team has been working feverishly to resolve the issues we've heard about from you and your peers. Some of them have already been rolled out, and many others will be fixed in production in our MR on 10 November 2016.
It pains me to hear that this has shaken your faith in Analysis Workspace, and I can tell you as someone who sits with our product and engineering teams every day that we take this feedback very seriously. We believe in the vision of Workspace and hope that we can restore your confidence as soon as humanly possible. It's such an amazing tool, but it has to do the basic things that you expect it to do. Thank you for being patient with us while we get these things resolved.
I'm happy to answer any other questions or concerns you may have on the topic, and we genuinely appreciate the feedback and opportunity to hear your thoughts.
Ben Gaines
Group Product Manager
Adobe Analytics
I have also been seeing a lot of slowness and red error boxes since the new release. Hopefully Adobe will work out the kinks soon...
I gotta ask. You're not the Adam Greco himself, right? (-; And yea, It's kind of crucial if you have org wide reports going out that no one can access. Crossing my fingers for a quick fix from Adobe!
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We are also in the same boat, lots of issue since the latest MR. reports not downloading, all schedules were reset to 3am, scheduled emails don't arrive on time, projects not loading at all, saved changes not saving, general slowness.
Client Care seem to be trying their best but all we keep getting told is fixes will be implemented in the next MR on Nov 10th. A hotfix for PDF downloads supposedly went in yesterday but it's had no effect although I can't open half my reports to check!
All in all it's making us question our future with Adobe.
Hi Arob87,
We experience all the same issues currently. I guess we have to go back into Reports (-; I really hope this will be fixed before Nov 10th since it's really killing productivity on our side. Please let me know if you hear more and I'll do the same.
Have a nice day, I hope it gets better on your side! (-:
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Adam who? Of course not!
BTW, you may wan to check out this post and consider posting questions like this on the Measure Slack group where there are more immediate replies from the Adobe Analytics community...
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Silly, silly thing to ask .. If you ever bump into him, you could perhaps ask him to write an updated version of The SiteCatalyst Handbook (-;
I've just applied for the Measure Slack group thanks for sharing. I wonder how I have overheard this when Tim Wilson talked about in the power hour..
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Hi Silas (and everyone),
This post gives me very mixed feelings: I'm glad to hear that you are using/adopting/loving Analysis Workspace, but of course I am very sorry to hear that our release last month introduced a handful of issues that are giving you pause.
We absolutely should have done a better job with that release to ensure that we did not introduce new issues while rolling out a bunch of exciting new features; it isn't okay to sacrifice the fundamentals for the shiny new object, and since the release our team has been working feverishly to resolve the issues we've heard about from you and your peers. Some of them have already been rolled out, and many others will be fixed in production in our MR on 10 November 2016.
It pains me to hear that this has shaken your faith in Analysis Workspace, and I can tell you as someone who sits with our product and engineering teams every day that we take this feedback very seriously. We believe in the vision of Workspace and hope that we can restore your confidence as soon as humanly possible. It's such an amazing tool, but it has to do the basic things that you expect it to do. Thank you for being patient with us while we get these things resolved.
I'm happy to answer any other questions or concerns you may have on the topic, and we genuinely appreciate the feedback and opportunity to hear your thoughts.
Ben Gaines
Group Product Manager
Adobe Analytics
Hi Ben,
Yes, we really love analysis workspace and we are glad to hear that you are working on it and aware of the issues. I wrote in here in order to find out if it was only our company who had the issue, so perhaps you could find some smart way to communicate that it's general problems in the future. That would be very helpful! (-:
I have a very specific question. The past month we have been collecting internal requirements for a cross-org dashboard that we (I) have been working A LOT on. I currently can't access it, which puts me in a bad spot. If I don't get access soon, I will miss an important deadline and I furthermore have to postpone meetings / workshops.
On the other side of this, I would love to bring more constructive feedback regarding a product I really do believe is the future of analytics (-:
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Just chiming in to voice the same issues. Workspace performance is at times simply atrocious - what should take me 30 seconds to update has - for the last few days - taken 10 minutes EACH. I really love the flexibility of Analytics workspace, but it has to work reliably.
I hope that this is just temporary.
And a product enhancement suggestion:
When I select an arbitrary date range (e.g. two weeks from Dec 10 - Dec 23rd), adjust the 'Last Week' and 'Two Weeks ago' time ranges to automatically correspond to this timeframe. As it stands, '1 week ago' and other relative time ranges take today's date instead (which isn't what I want)
Hi, You probably know this but the following helped fix the problems I was having with slowness and no emails, downloads.
- For panels - don't make them more than one month in length
- Add 12 or 13-month time periods to individual reports
- Hide data for visualizations if not needed
- Close panels when you're not working on them.
I'm still having a few problems with random breakages and of course, I do so hope Adobe makes it so that PDFs can print - it's so close to being a perfect product. And time periods that account for working days (dynamically generated months that include the working days - all days excluding weekends AND holidays).
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