Yeah, it's odd.. URL is captured in raw data, but it's never been available in the Reporting or Workspaces....
Most people set up an eVar (at Hit Level expiry), and track the URL there so that they can build reports on it. It should be noted, the standard "URL" collected, while the field has a 255 character limit, in the raw data field, they will provide the URL in multiple chunks, so that you can see the whole URL if it's long.
eVars will be limited to 255 characters. If you feel that your URLs are super long, you could create some custom code that will split the URL in a similar fashion... but for most uses, 255 should be fine.
You can do this in multiple ways:
1. In Adobe Launch, you can populate an eVar with the same Data Element that holds your URL value
2. You can use "dynamic variables" (a trick used to keep the the request length smaller) by setting the value of the eVar to "D=g" (assuming you are using the default "D" setting for duplication)
3. In processing rules, you can create a rule that sets the eVar to the value of "Page URL"
Option 3 doesn't require any changes to your launch property.
However, none of these options are retroactive unfortunately.....