Hi,I am using Windows 10. While working on reportbulider i have noticed a few options, like custom filers where a user can enter numbers to fetch top line items, is missing. Everytime we have to select select specific option and choose data manually.Any clue / suggestion or is it part of an Adobe up...
Hello. I work at an eCommerce company, and I am trying to locate a report in Adobe that will tell me how much revenue is associated with a particular URL. Ex: Think of category pages. How can I compare revenue associated with say the Shoes category page with revenue from the Pants category page,...
Hi All, some of the campaigns our company runs gets tagged with GA based UTM codes instead of CID! I would like to capture both in AA in the s.campaign variable.How can i do this? Below is what i currently haves.campaign = s.Util.getQueryParam('cid');What would i need to add for it to capture a URL ...
Hi all, Is there an option to create a breakdown on pages for an exit links report?The exit link is available on the whole domain, but I would like to see on what pages the link is opened. Anyone that can help me out? Much appreciated...Nadine
Goede dagIk maak al jaren met plezier gebruik van Adobe elements 4 voorr het maken van films.Na een crash van mijn pc heb ik het programma opnieuw moeten installeren maar na het maken van een project kan ik dit project niet delen c.q. branden.Ik kan wel een nieuw project starten en volledig gebruik ...
Hi,My Requirement : I Want the Sitecatalyst data to flow into Dataworkbench in a real-time and it should go the predictive model built in insight and the output from premium should automatically go to the system like Unica/Target .I Would like to know about automating the few tasks in Adobe DataWork...
Whenever I put the segments in the segment drop area or change the date range at the above side of reports(please check the attached file), the shape of chart and data in table automatically updated.Like the case I drag some metrics, dimensions and segments into the table builder(Only in case I cli...
We recently ran a campaign directing traffic to the homepage of our site. The script was configured to track campaigns in the following formatwww.domain.com?cmpid=referrer1www.domain.com?cmpid=referrer2Unfortunately, when the campaign was run it directed traffic to www.domain.com?cid=referrer1 so th...
Hi there! I've navigated to my Referring Domains report and when I click to export the data it's only letting me download at most the 200 rows that show onscreen, not all the additional pages of data for the timeframe I selected. Even when I navigate to "Advanced Download options" it's still only l...