I got developer account created for adobe analytics and received a link to complete my account. while account creation it asks for password only. After entering the password i logged in successfully. But while connecting adobe analytics through python it asks for username/password.Where i can get th...
Hi All,I am using adobe analytics 2.0 API to automate reports using python.Below is my python request code:-report_def = ReportDefinition(metrics=['visits','Orders'], dimensions=[{"id":"evar34","top": 500},{"id":"lasttouchchannel","top": 500}], ...
I can't find documentation on how the "equals" comparison operator for success events works within Segment Builder. In this particular scenario, I'd like to find the number of successful 3rd attempt logins. Intuitively, I would think I need to find hits that belong to a visit where the visit had exa...
What causes two event parameters to show up in the request string? I am sending additional s.t() page calls on a single page angular app and events are duplicating in the single request. Example in red:pageName=%2Fhp%2Fscheduling%2Fmain.html%23%237&g=https%3A%2F%2Fwebuata.healthpartners.com%2Fhp%2Fs...
Hi community:I am using Adobe Analytics Data Feeds to export granular data to S3. I've activated the full feed, which includes the mc_audiences field (which provides the "Audience Manager segment IDs" list).However, the mc_audiences field is completely blank. Why is this? I cannot find any informati...
I have a prop that captures the site section. Why are the occurrences of the Entry Prop higher than the Prop itself? I may not have a full understanding of how these occurrences fire, but I assume the Entry Prop and Prop get set upon entry, then if the user visits another page in that section the Pr...
Hi,I'm looking to get click-through rate from page A->pageB using the condition that the user should have clicked on the banner/hero carousel present on page A. Simply put: Homepage-> click on banner->campaign pageCan anyone help if the methodology is correct & we'll get the right click-through rate...
Team,We have scenario in B2B retailer web sites where we can add more than 100 to 200 products to the cart at the same time to place the order. We are using s.product variable to capture the particular product ID, Quantity and price. Unfortunately, when we add more than 100 products to the cart then...
Hi Everyone,I wonder if there is a way to list all the reports under Reports tab of Adobe Analytics so that I can have a holistic picture of all the reports.Thank you! Mary