Hi Experts, Could someone help me understand, as for Adobe Target one system dataset gets created : 'Adobe Target Classification Events' which can be used for Experimentation Panel in CJA reporting.Which dataset can be used for AJO? I have already added Journey step events, entity lookup, email, mes...
I am in the process of transitioning my Analytics and Target setup from using AppMeasurement and AT.js to WebSDK.I have a Global Target and a Global Analytics Rule that fires on every page. Additionally, I have several other rules that fire on specific events or a subset of pages to track interactio...
Hi all, I have seen in Chrome extensions that Activity Map may no longer be supported - is this the case? Are there any plans to update it so it remains a chrome extension? It's quite an important tool/functionality of adobe analytics that I use so hoping there are plans to update it and not scrap t...
Dear Team,The client requested an audit of their video tracking due to some issues. After reviewing the setup, here are my findings:1) They are capturing the video title in eVar19 as follows:1230674401112:abc basierter GentransferIt seems that both the video ID and video title are being stored toget...
Hi, I am trying to match the number of visits per day that I see in Adobe Workspace with the data from the Adobe feed.I need to do it by platform - web and app. I am using the following rule to count the visits in the feed: count (distinct POST_VISID_HIGH||POST_VISID_LOW||VISIT_NUM||VISIT_START_TIM...
Currently i am building line chart for unique visitors with day dimension , But I would like to build unique visitors data comparsion from previous day to current day dynamically in percent wise increase / decrease
Is anyone else seeing a jump in visits from a possible bot? In one week, we jumped from 2 million to 3 million visits, which is unusual outside of November.These million visits have no referring domain, multiple user agents, multiple IP addresses, no corresponding orders and most of them bounce afte...
One day last week saw a large increase in traffic from our "Organic Social" Last Touch Channel, jumping from roughly ~1K visits per day to ~10K. When broken down by Tracking code, we can see that it appears that there is some paid Prospecting traffic getting bucketed under this channel, which (accor...
Hi. I am a professor at The George Washington University in Washington DC within their School of Business. I teach a digital analytics course, and want to improve my understanding of what Adobe offers professors to teach with Adobe Analytics, as well as teaching how to use data captured by Adobe Ana...