We have been incurring secondary server calls and a support representative recently suggested that it was not the result of VISTA rules. Where can we check if we have any level of multi-suite tagging? We are under the impression that we do not use multi-suite tagging, and that we instead use global ...
We have an eVar that takes the pageURL on each hit. If it works correctly, we expect it to have a specified URL for each page view server call, but there are a significant amount of page views with an unspecified pageURL lately. What could be the cause of this?
Google has identified two vulnerabilities recently (CVE-2023-5217 & CVE-2023-4863) that impact the libraries libvpx and libwebp.We wanted to know if Adobe Activity map was effected by this. Thank you,
Hello Adobe Community, I am currently navigating through a challenge regarding tracking and understanding our referring domains and conversion rates, and would greatly appreciate your insights. Our company utilizes a booking engine, and due to our strict Privacy Policy, we are unable to implement an...
Hi everyone, I have a scenario where a user can comes to a website and do some action by which "event x" will trigger. Is there a way we can count this event in a way like they come everyday (From Sunday till Saturday) and do action event x will trigger but we will only count that user as 1 else 0 (...
Our developers are looking at including wrapped web pages (with the Adobe Analytics JavaScript tags on them) in our mobile app. Is there documentation that shows how to make sure they are included in the mobile app tracking?
Hello, do someone can help us with this question? We're isolating with event v13 the internal searches, it means search query in website internal search bar.When we applicate the event v13 and we isolate the only "suggestion" the value returned should include only occurrences related to query sugges...
Version 1.9.3 of the Adobe Analytics extension for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection was released over a week ago, but there are no corresponding Release Notes at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/tags/extensions/client/analytics/release... - anyone know where I can...
Hi,Can someone guide me to on creating FTP request through Adobe datawarehouse.Earlier we used to input only Host Directory Username Password Port But now we have many other highlighted details which are confusing. What to fill in these details? I@