The "horizontal bar" visualizations seem to have a fixed "100%" x-axis basis. That's okay (sort of) if they're showing volume values like visits or orders or revenue. But, they make for some unhelpful displays when looking at other metrics.
In the example below, it's difficult to see the relative difference in conversion rates, because the bars are all very short.
Conversely, the AOV appears to have an x-axis of "$100," so any AOV over that just maxes out the bar, which makes little sense.
Ideally, the user would have some control over what the "Max" basis is when using an in-cell bar chart, and the automatic option would put the max value at ~90% of the width of the column. Excel, I believe, defaults to a max that is 100% of the max value of the column, which would work, too (but isn't ideal).