Customer Journey Analytics recently got a new visualization called "Journey Canvas", which lets us define user journey through dragging and dropping elements onto a canvas. It nicely fits between the exploratory Flow viz and the more rigid Fallout viz and is great to visualize, well, journeys:

However, if we right-click any node and choose the "Create Segment Filter from node" option, we see that there is no magic smoke inside of this new visualization. This impressive viz falls in the category which I like to call "Segment Builders", as all that it's doing is creating complex sequential Segments Filters on the fly, then display the result in a nice way. It's practically just a couple Freeform tables in a trench coat:

This doesn't make the Journey Canvas viz any less impressive but clearly highlights one important detail: There is no technical reason why this shouldn't be in Adobe Analytics. We have built Segments like the one on the screenshot above for years in AA, especially with a little help from other Segment Builder visualizations like Flow and Fallout. So, bring it to AA, pretty please!