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Contingency plans for report builder outages?


Level 6



there have been several report builder outages for us recently. Can you please provide some suggestions of how we can firefight situations like this?
I.e. delete lower-prio scheduled reports or is there a quick way to convert ad-hoc format to reportbuilder format.... ?


Issue: London Data Center was flooded with the huge report api requests.

ReportBuilder is an important tool for us, but is not even mentioned on the status website? http://status.adobe.com/marketing_cloud




Level 6


some client care agents are not being helpful... :-(


"This issue occurred due to the stacking of  API request queue. This happens when there are multiple API or report builder requests form different customer on same data center for the same time slot and when there are too many API or report builder requests scheduled.


This entirely depends on the user behavior and the number of incoming requests cannot be controlled by Adobe. At our end, we can only clear up the API queue at the back-end in the the queue gets stuck to allow the files to process.


The best practice to avoid this issue is by not scheduling too many requests at the same time and have a difference or gap of 15-30 minutes between multiple requests."


Level 6


Well, I understand that report builder scheduled requests might add up over time, while some reports may no longer be used after a while. We have now started deleting some requests.

It would be great to get a company summary of all scheduled requests that have been set up and are still active.

Maybe you have more ideas on how to track reports that are not being viewed at all?


Level 6


Hi there,

years have passed, but the issues remain unsolved.

It is not even beginning of the month (today and yesterday)!

I can't work and need to postpone a meeting because I don't have the data necessary for the meeting