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Create different data alerts for Weekdays and Weekend days


Level 1


On our website and in our apps, we have a lot more traffic on Weekdays than on Weekend days.
For some flows/pages we have data alerts.  But defining the level on which we want to be alerted is very difficult.
If the level is too low, we won't be alerted if there is an issue on weekdays; if the level is too high, we'll get (unwanted) alerts on Weekend days. 

In the As Is situation you can (theoretically) add "Weekdays" in the definition on the alert.
Eg. I had created an alert for specific pages: if the # of pageViews was 0 on Weekdays (only on Weekdays), I wanted to receive an alert.
On Weekdays the alert works fine.  But for each Saturday and Sunday I received an alert saying that the # of pageViews was 0, although this was NOT the case.  It was very confusing. 

We had plans to create a lot more alerts, a very nice feature of AA, but because of the impossibility to  differentiate the levels to test on between Weekdays and Weekend days, this feature looses a lot of its value (for us...).

1 Comment


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Hi, you can sort of achieve this with a calculated metric... but this works a lot better with "threshold" alerts, and not so good with catching "0".


For me, it's very rare to have 0, so I can do the following:



Essentially, if there is ANY data on a weekend, return the Page View metric, otherwise, set an arbitrary value (above my alert threshold). So, on weekdays, the value will be the actual value I am watching, and on weekends, it will be locked to 1000.


Now I can use this metric in my alert, if my "calculated metric" is below "500" for instance, it will trigger an alert.... and since weekends are locked to 1000, the alert will never trigger on the weekend.


However, if your values are significantly low that you could get 0 on a weekday, this will actually put 1000 instead of 0... (since you need at least one occurrence to meet the IF statement.)


Now, maybe it's possible to come up with some complex system of nested IFs to try and catch this scenario.... 



But, that said, I think having the "when to send alerts" built into the alert logic would be better and more accessible for everyone, and not force us to create complex calculated metrics for a simple alert.