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When user exports report file from CJA to DLZ, user cannot provide filename and cannot receive alert


Level 1


Description - We have a business use case where users need to export CJA Reports to DLZ. Currently, the exported file names appear as follows: cja-export-CDE-9a9DDD-e6bd-456b-a1e6-f99b9fb1d622-173111111537-0.csv.gz. With this naming convention, it's challenging to identify which user exported a specific CJA report when multiple users are exporting files to DLZ.

Why is this feature important to you - If multiple users are exporting the files its hard to understand who exported the file and what type of export it is.

How would you like the feature to work - 

What we need:
1. Is there a way to prefix the report with the  (user ID) and a timestamp during export
2. As soon as a scheduled (or manually) report is exported, an alert email should be sent to the end user, indicating that the report CNID_DATESTAMP_REPORTNAME... has been exported to DLZ.


Current Behaviour -  file export to DLZ just shows this:  cja-export-CDE-9a9DDD-e6bd-456b-a1e6-f99b9fb1d622-173111111537-0.csv.gz