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Change the lookback window on Alerts independent of granularity


Level 2


According to the help text in Alerts:

"Time Granularity refers to both how often the alrt will be checked and what will be included.  For example, a granularity of 'Daily' will be checked once a day and look back at the last day's worth of data."


This doesn't seem optimal.  The lookback window on any alert (regardless of granularity) should cover at least the past month.  The granularity I specify should only be an indication of how often I want the metric checked and an alert sent.  For example, suppose there's a drop in Revenue on Monday, July 1st.  Adobe should examine Revenue for the month of June (not just Sunday, June 30th's data) to determine if the drop in Revenue exceed the confidence intervals. 


I hope this makes sense.  Please let me know if unclear and I will elaborate further.