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Calculated Metrics in Cohort Tables in Analysis Workspace


Level 2


As noted in this forum thread: Calculated Metrics for Cohort Analysis

The specific use case I had was that I wanted to do a cohort analysis based on visitors that had viewed a specific piece of content. Ideally:

  1. A segment for visits that viewed that content
  2. That segment used in a calculated metric -- just the segment and then Visits as the metric
  3. That calculated metric as my inclusion metric

Alas! Not doable. So, it winds up being painful DW exports and stitching together of visitor IDs.

-Tim Wilson





Thank you for the feedback. We are working on some updates to the Cohort table, however, CMs won’t be supported but that you will be able to add segments to the metrics which hopefully will meet a lot of your CM needs.


Employee Advisor


We'd love to hear if the improvements we are releasing on Thursday Jan 17th meet your needs here. Let us know after you get a chance to use the new & improved Cohort Table.


Level 2




I would love to have caculated metrics in cohorts (as well). We had a custom metric/event for a registration. Since the registration process changed we needed to use a second custom metric/event (the old process was still live in some parts). I wanted to add both custom metrics/events together in a calculated metric. I see than I can add both custom metrics/events with the OR operator into the cohort visualization. That helps a bit but not completely. We had some weeks without a custom metric/event and I identified the registrations in that time based on a specific page view, which I also have in my calculated metric ... Caculated metrics in cohorts would be a dream!


Have a nice day!