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What constitutes a server call?


Level 2

Does a page view = a server call?

14 Replies


Community Advisor

yes, a page view is a server call.

but a server call is not necessary a page view

have a look here: Server Call


Level 2

Thank you!  Question answered.


Level 8


You can get the total server calls with the metric Occurrences : it's the sum of the page views AND the custom links AND the exit links instances AND the download links instances.

Cheers !


Community Advisor

be careful! as far as i know this works only for props not evars! if you want to know the server calls where an evar is set, you should take "[evarxy] instances"

this is due to the reason that most evars persist longer than 1 hit and therefore you have an "occurrency" on the next hit even the evar is not set ...


Community Advisor

and if you really want the total of server calls, better go to "admin" -> "billing"  


Level 8

Thanks for the tip!
I assumed this since my calculated metric Total Server Calls ( which is the sum of all that ) was always equal to Occurences.

Which makes me wonder ! (It's perfect because I was just gonna ask in another question).

What's the point of eVars expiring on hit ?
Is it just to simulate a prop and maybe send less server calls ?

Kind regards!


Employee Advisor

Since you only have 75 props, one could go for an evar with hit expiration if they no longer have props to spare.

Also, evars allow 255 bytes as opposed to 100 bytes in props.


Level 8

Yes, I assumed that!

muchas gracias hyderziaee !

Have a nice day !


Level 10

Sum of Server Calls = Page Views + Exit Links Instances + Download Links Instances + Custom Links Instances.


Level 10

A server call is basically a request sent to Adobe Analytics, it goes from the default pageview, custom link (download, exit, custom), video tracking call (which is basically a custom link customised with video calls) etc.

A pageview server call is generated when you call s.t() where a custom link tracking is generated when you call s.tl().

You might as well call other functions but ultimately they will make an underlying call to s.tl() at some point (per the content of the requests that I have seen). So each time you call a functions to send an analytics request this equals to a server call.

It is important to differentiate primary server calls and secondary server calls. When you do an Adobe Analytics implementation you can specify more than one report suite ID in s.account, which is called multi suite tagging.

  • The first report suite ID in the list will generate a request to Adobe Analytics (by default image request for web implementation). This request will count as primary server call and will be billed fully.
  • Any subsequent report suite listed will also each generate a request to Adobe Analytics. Each of these request will count as secondary server calls. Secondary Server calls are billed with a discount.


Level 1

Would an image request sent without an RSID still be considered a server call for contract purposes?  Thanks.


Level 10

I think the request will fail is there is no RSID. And as no RSID, the server side will not know where to put the data and therefore who to bill



hi Alexis,

Thanks for this answer.

However, does a discount on Secondary call is always 50% or it can vary?



Level 10

I think it all depends on you contract. The account manager for the specific company should be able to answer this question.