Hi Guys,
Is there a place, we can reference all the tips shared and the winning tips during the Adobe Summits?
as far as I know there's no official place where all the tips are linked. maybe a good idea for ericmatisoff to create a spark page
Yes, it will be a great if we could get them all at one place for easy reference. I loved all the ideas including yours:)
This is a great idea! ericmatisoff and I are on the case once he gets back from paternity leave!
If any former Rockstars are reading this, message me with links to your content & the year and event you participated at. I think we will make the Spark page a summary of all the tips, and then link out to the more detailed explanations that each Rockstar hosts.
Hi Jen
here are some links out of my collection:
- [US] Video: https://images-tv.adobe.com/avp/vr/f9a22e0b-df84-4fab-95fd-82db9072a993/1e7516ed-cc62-4440-afec-cb07...
- [US] Halee Kotara: Adobe Summit: Tips to Become an Adobe Analytics Rockstar | Blast
- [EMEA] Till Büttner (no link found)
- [EMEA] Urs Boller: https://perfectdashboard.rocks/kpi-summary-table/ and https://perfectdashboard.rocks/the-speaking-dashboard/
- [EMEA] Piermarco Burrafato: Visitor Retention Analysis with Adobe Analytics
- [US] Audrey Salerno: slides Dropbox - RockstarTips2019_AudreySalerno.pdf - Simplify your life and interview: https://techblogwriter.co.uk/adobe-analytics-rock-star-audrey-salerno/
- [US] Ben Meck
- [US] Dave Gatdula
- [US] Jenn Kunz
- [EMEA] Video: Analytics Rockstar session at Adobe Summit EMEA 2019 - YouTube
- [EMEA] Piermarco Burrafato: https://analyticmastery.com/how-to-find-your-most-engaging-features-with-cohort-tables/ and https://analyticmastery.com/behavioral-personas-tool-for-user-growth/
- [EMEA] Chris Leyland: https://daybreaker-analytics.co.uk/blog/f/adobe-analytics--summit-tips
- [EMEA] Urs Boller: https://webanalyticsfordevelopers.com/2019/05/15/adobe-analytics-documentation-2-0/
Thanks Urs, you are THE BEST!
Thank you !!!
Thank you. This is great.
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Hey all! Eric & I put together a new resource that brings together all the Rockstar tips shared at Summit over the last 3 years. We will continue to add to this each year as well. Enjoy!