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[Mentor Isha Gupta] Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Isha Gupta, who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E208)through to the end of the program. 

Meet your Mentor

Isha_pic.jpgAs the saying goes, if you love what you do, you never have to work a single day! I am lucky enough to be living along these lines during last ten years with Digital Analytics. I am currently channelling my passion as Digital Analytics Lead for Three Ireland, Ireland's largest telecommunications and lifestyle accessories provider. I have worked with multiple organizations handling Fortune 500 clients across industries including B2B & B2C alike on various Adobe Experience Cloud products. I have been responsible for managing & executing end-to-end analytics processes from requirements gathering to key insights generation and providing recommendations for personalization strategies and executing them. At Three, I am single handedly managing entire Adobe Analytics ecosystem following entire Digital Analytics lifecycle including tagging requirement analysis, implementation, QA, reporting, and insights generation. As Adobe Analytics Champion 2023 and leader of Ireland Adobe Analytics User Group, I strongly advocate importance of Digital Analytics.

Aspirants mapped to Mentor, Isha 

  1. vanipv
  2. Ying_Liu 
  3. AvniShah
  4. jc608
  5. JyotiSharmaV
  6. Karuppiah_Sakthivel
  7. TuhinaDasChoudhury 

How to participate 

  1. Aspirants’ goal is to clear their Adobe Analytics Certification during the duration of the program: July 24th, 2024 – September 4th, 2024.
  2. Aspirants: Post your Questions in this thread to connect with Mentor, Isha, and your fellow Aspirant peers.  *You are all preparing for the same Certification, so feel free to use this space to share what you’re learning and collaborate! 

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot so that you can stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program
  • Introduce yourself to Isha and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe Analytics  
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about theAdobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E208)
  • Test your Analytics knowledge by browsing through the Adobe Analytics Community Questions and taking your best shot at answering some Qs!
  • Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and in the Analytics Community throughout the duration of the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

Quick links 


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

67 Replies


Level 3


Thank you for the reference link... what a great resource! 


Level 3

@igupta I enjoyed your presentation at yesterday's Skills Exchange! Thank you for sharing!! 


Adobe Champion

@jc608 - That's very kind of you! Thank you for attending!



Hi Isha,

Admittedly I am a bit behind the schudle, can I confirm we should cover the first 3 weeks of study by now as of Aug 12th? Thank you 


  • Week 1 - Section 1: Understanding Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem (10%)
    Week 2 - Section 2: Reporting and dashboarding for projects (30%)
  • Week 3 - Section 3: Segmentation and calculated metrics (22%) 


Adobe Champion

Hi @Ying_Liu ,

Please don't feel the pressure of timelines. The goal here is to learn. Earning a certification is only going to be the by-product!

We do have the third week commencing now comprising of Segmentation & Calculated Metrics as you mentioned.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.





Adobe Champion

Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing? We are in the middle of week 3 of our preparation. Hope everyone is having a great time in learning!
Focus of our week 3 is Section 3: Segmentation and calculated metrics carrying 22% of the exam questions.


The Segmentation and calculated metrics section of the exam will test your ability to:

  • Determine how to develop and configure segments
  • Apply the process to share segments with others in the organization
  • Compare segments
  • Apply segments to Projects and Components
  • Apply the process to generate calculated and/or segmented metrics

I would like to remind you again of the great learning resource we have as Exam Preparation Material accessible through this link - https://app.rockinfo.com/courses/playScorm/682?%2Fcourses%2FplayScorm%2F682


With that, I would also love to know some of the use cases of how you are utilizing Segments & Calculated Metrics in your daily analysis work.
Happy Learning everyone!


Adobe Champion

Hi Everyone,

Happy Monday! Please take a moment to review below quiz on segmentation and feel free to share your inputs!


You want to analyze the conversion rate of users who added items to their cart but only if they first interacted with your site's blog content during the same visit. How would you structure a segment to capture this audience?


A) Use a Visit segment container with a sequential segment to INCLUDE users who have a page view for blog pages and THEN triggered the "Cart Addition" event

B) Create a Hit segment container that includes users who viewed the blog pages and triggered the "Cart Addition" event in the same hit.

C) Use a Visitor segment container that includes users who viewed any blog pages at any time and later triggered the "Cart Addition" event.

D) Create a Visit segment container that first captures users who triggered the "Cart Addition" event, and then apply a separate segment to filter those who also visited the blog pages at any point.


Level 3

Hi @igupta - I have been out sick the last week and have some catching up to do both at work and here... I'll have a reply soon. I am so grateful for you time and for this program! More to come soon. I am in communication with my colleagues at work and am sharing what I am learning with them to build a stronger team for our organization. Thanks for all you are doing for our Analytics community! 


Adobe Champion

No worries and it's an absolute pleasure. My apologies I haven't been able to schedule the call till now. I will try to put something in for next Friday.


Level 3

This is a tricky one! 

I am going to go with "A"


Adobe Champion

@jc608 - You are absolutely correct!


Read more about sequential segments here - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/components/segmentation/segmentation-workflow/s...


Level 3

Yay!! Thanks for the confirmation! I was beginning to worry I was wrong.


Adobe Champion

Hi Everyone,


We are at week 4 of our collaboration program. Focus of this week is Section 4: General tool knowledge and troubleshooting (12%). The General tool knowledge and troubleshooting section of the exam will test your ability to:

  • Analyze reports and identify data quality issues
  • Define different types of dimensions and parameters existing in Adobe Analytics (eVars, props and events)
  • Determine how to bring data in and out of Adobe Analytics
  • Identify information from marketing URLs

Please take some time to review the contents and as always, feel free to reach out with any queries.





Adobe Champion

Hi vanipv, Ying_Liu , AvniShah, jc608, JyotiSharmaV, Karuppiah_Sakthivel, TuhinaDasChoudhury ,

Could you please take a moment to fill this form. This is a form for Aspirants to apply for a 50% off voucher for their certifications. We will be using this to determine eligibility, and will be selecting candidates based on participation in the program.


Please don't miss out on this excellent opportunity to get voucher for certification as well as showcase your participation!





Level 3

Hi Isha,

Was there a deadline to complete the form mentioned above? I see that it is currently not available. 





Adobe Champion

Hi @jc608 ,

I hope you are feeling better this week. There isn't a deadline yet. Can you please try this link?




Let me know if you still can't access.





Level 3

Hi Isha, 

Thank you. This link works. It is asking for the date of the exam, and I am not sure where to locate this information. (It looks like I can make an appointment after payment is made? I'll put in a proposed date for now.) Please let me know if there is specific date that I should enter. Thanks! 



Adobe Champion

Hey @jc608 ,
A planned date work just as well! You don't have to schedule the exam just yet. If you get the voucher you would be able to use that to book the exam on half price.


Level 3

Hi @igupta - 

I am struggling with something I am hoping you can give me some guidance. I have created a segment with 15 specific pages. When I pull it into a free form table with a 'Page' breakdown, more than 15 pages show up. I have tried various "starts with, contains all of, equals" as well as Hit, Visitor, Visit. Do you happen to know what the issue may be? 




Adobe Champion

Hey @jc608 ,


Can you please specify which metric you are seeing the pages against? Is that a calculated metric? Can you please share the screenshot? I have come across something like this myself. Mostly it's due to the metric. Maybe I will be able to explain and help more once I have the screenshot.





Level 3

Hi Isha,
I sent you a PM with the details... 

Thanks for your help!
