Has anyone ever worked with Adobe to have them evaluate or perform an audit of their Adobe Analytics implementation? I am curious if such a thing is possible and what the results were as well as what recommendations came of it that you can share at a high level. Thanks.
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Hi @JohnRog
This could be done by engaging your solution consultant or MSA via your CSM at Adobe. You could also engage third party companies.
The outputs of these assessments are typically in a report with some high-level headings. It would serve you best to identify the objectives of your audit - for instance, do you have a lot of custom code and would like a code review for efficiencies? Is it the first time around for your team and you're looking for a best practices recommendation from an Adobe or Third party perspective?
Some examples could include:
Most third party companies use tools like ObservePoint to scan your implementation and make recommendations. Adobe does have the Auditor feature (which is basically ObservePoint Lite) so you could try to start there before engaging on a larger scale.
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I think we all always have the same question, have we configured and implemented Adobe Analytics in the right way?
Just in this project (https://www.woodasunglasses.com/) I do not have such implementation, but in many others I have worked on yes and there was always the same doubt in the team.
I'm sure it is very well implemented and there is always something new to learn.
Best regards
Diego Méndez
Ecommerce Manager
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Adobe do offer a technical audit service for a small fee
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Just as an FYI, we are currently working closely with Adobe. They are reviewing our install of Adobe Analytics and will be letting us know where we can improve. Thanks to all who responded to my original question. Best Regards!
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