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Adobe Analytics Product Feedback & Feature Requests



Hi Everyone, 

We would like to hear your experience of using the Adobe Analytics product. Feel free to post your feedback on this post and we would make your voice heard. 

27 Replies


Level 2

We frequently update SAINT/Classifications. There is zero visibility into when a file was received and/or if it has finished processing. A log for SAINT files would be extremely helpful when troubleshooting. Otherwise I have to reach out to Customer Care.




Employee Advisor

Thank you everyone for your feedback thus far! We have successfully migrated the Idea Exchange to our forums here, which means that you now have the ability to create separate threads for each topic. Click here to submit an idea!


Level 1

Hello - 

I would like to request a few features:

1. Folders for workspace projects (to organize them)

2. Folders for components & alerts (to organize them)

3. I'd like a more formal way to give customers "view only" mode where they can change dropdowns at the top but cannot add new dimensions.

4. Please give me the ability to remove myself from a project if someone shares it with me! It clutters up my workspace but I need to ask them to remove me from a report instead of me removing the workspace project from my own dasbhoard (this would be less necessary if I could put all of the "shared with me" reports in a folder).

5. Date selector - I'd like to be able to have an automatically updating date range in a dashboard that is "from ____ date onwards". Say I release a change on May 15...I'd like to be able to have the report automatically include the latest day without having to manually change it each day. (Especially inconvenient when I have a PDF scheduled report going to outside stakeholders).


6. When does the calculated rule segment show up in your right click vs not? It seems inconsistent when it shows up sometimes and doesn't others.


7. Would love to be able to choose the colors in my visualizations in workspace!


Thank you!!


Level 2

I realized this was posted July 2016 and it's now May 2021. I am using Adobe Analytics workspace projects. There is only an ability to have one dimension. While using campaigns that contain 4 parameters one dimension is impossible. The breakdowns results in hundreds of reports that would have to be downloaded individually. This is not possible. My company alone needs to be able to have at least 4 dimensions in freefrom workspaces and I can only imagine that there are many more companies that are suffering because of this HUGE limitation. 


Level 1

Hi Adobe Product Team,


My business users rely heavily on Report Builder to automate our Media reporting. Could I request additional parameters and metrics be added to Report Builder around Media to mirror more closely to what is being added in Workspace.


Report Builder Feature Requests:

  1.        Media Playback Time Spent – The Media Playback Time Spent metric found in Workspace under ‘Panels’ does not exist in Report Builder. We would like to request this as a metric we can leverage in Report Builder to automate reporting around media playback.
  2.        Media Concurrent Viewers provided as a metric  – Currently this is showing as a dimension which defaults to ‘Top 10’. From our point of view this is not something we can leverage as we need to understand the # of concurrents at a specific period of time as a metric.
  3.        Granularity to 5 and 30 minute increments - Currently the most granular Report Builder provides is 1 hour. Due to the nature of Media we are requesting more granularity. To match what is currently being used within Workspace for media can we have increments of  5 minutes &  30 minutes.

Thank you,



Level 1

I'm trying out the newest version of InDesign, and it has been a miserable experience. Seemingly simple functions such as backspace, delete and align text are now difficult to find or use. It's a shame. InDesign used to be great. I'm starting to explore other options for myself, my office, and my students.



Level 1

Hello, working in Adobe Launch our team felt when a user is deleting a "Tag Property" under "Data Collection", it would be great to have the user required to enter name of the property being deleted if singular or just have selected property name(s) also displayed on the popup under the alert message.



