I was really hoping that when you moved to a more updated version of online Help Documentation, there would be some level of improvement. I was unfortunately mistaken and very much disappointed with the outcome. I ended up saving ONE link that I use on a regular basis to share with users, because the definitions are extremely helpful, and today - IT DIED. In fact, a whole bunch of them died.
You must be doing something, but even worse than that, I have never been able to do a simple search on something like "REPORT SUITE" and be given any kind of intuitive results.
Instead, I'm given this:
I finally clicked on the first link today out of curiosity, but I threw up my hands in frustration the first time I did the search. I've been using Adobe Analytics for 7 years, and I'm thinking to myself, I don't need information about the Report Suite Manager, I just need to grab a simple definition for my users!
Why does everything have to be so difficult? I know it sounds like I'm complaining, and maybe I am, but I'm coming to these tools to get fast and easy answers so I don't have to spend time formulating this stuff on my own. I'm a team of ONE!
After MUCH digging, I managed to finally come across this page: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/analytics/technotes/terms.html
The sad thing is, the definition I found for Report Suite was better on the Report Suite Manager page vs. the Glossary page:
On the Report Suite Manager Page: A report suite defines the complete, independent reporting on a chosen website, set of websites, or subset of web pages.
On the Glossary page: An overarching container that you send data to. All reports in Adobe Analytics reference a report suite.
Being a Data Analytics person, I'm about consistency. I definitely like the first definition better, and would use it if I came across it first, but it is antiquated, because it does not take into account mobile applications. The "overarching container" is great, but the second definition is also poorly worded, awkward and entirely too vague. In fact, both are if you ask me.
I think those are reasonable requests for a highly complex tool like Adobe Analytics.
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Hi Jeff,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback. We would definitely want to make the experience better for our users. I have already passed on your comments to our Documentation team and they shall take appropriate action to make your experience better.
Hi Jeff,
I'm one of the doc writers for Analytics. First off, thank you for your candid feedback. There's a lot to unpack here, but hopefully I can address all your concerns.
Long time no see! So glad to be hearing from you. I wish that was a LOVE button instead of a LIKE above. This is all good news to me. I'm sorry if what I said above sounded like complaining, but I just tend to be super candid about how I feel about things. I guess you could say I'm very passionate. Anyway, I'm very glad, and I like the documentation git. Works much like a Wiki, so I will definitely take a look, now that I'm aware that it's out there and let other colleagues know it exists!
Thank you, thank you!!
The world needs more people like you who are passionate about self-help and documentation. I look forward to working with you!