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Adobe Analytics Debugger


Level 2

In the past I used to use the DigitalPulse to validate the Analytics implementation on my company's web sites.

With the new AA .js library, when we've more than X characters, the tracking is made by a POST method and the DigitalPulse don't show the variables.

Now I'm using Charles Debugger for Desk, Mobile and APP validations.

The problem is that Charles is not so friendly like DigitalPulse to the MKT team. I've tried ObservePoint but we had some problems with it.

Any suggestion? Is Adobe about to launch a new debugger? DigitalPulse is outdated.


12 Replies


Level 6

Hi Brandäo,

The ObservePoint browser plugin are properly the best option for you right now, it is more MKT-team friendly than Charles and will show both img and shx-requests.

You could also spend a few hours creating a script in Fiddler, that translate variables to friendly names from AA, so s.eVar1 is named 'page name' or what ever you use it for.



Level 2

Hi Løjmann, thx for your answer.
I understand that ObservePoint is the best option right now, but my MKT team is not getting used to it.

We're looking for something familiar to DigitalPulse. I'm thinking of creating a new one, maybe with some API integration.

But I think that the perfect scenario is Adobe create a new debug tool to substitute DigitalPulse.



Level 5


   As an alternative, I would suggest you to give a try to "Adobe Marketing Cloud Pulse" extension for Chrome browser.



Saurabh Kumar.


Level 2

Hi Saurabh,
I found a blog post about this plugin but the link in the post is not correct. And when I search for "Adobe Marketing Clould Pulse" on the Chrome store, I can't find the plugin.

Do you have the correct link?


Level 5

Looks like "Adobe Marketing Cloud Pulse" Chrome extension got discontinued.. Sorry, you may try out some other way...



Saurabh Kumar.


Level 2

Hi All 

   As an alternative, I would suggest you to go for chrome developer option and use network option to validate all kind of event and evars. Digitalpulse debugger not worked some tome and show only recent events tracking.

For detail Click on chrome>Click F12>Go to network> Go to image >Check all tags 


Anupam Srivastava


Level 2

Hi Anupam,
The idea is to find a friendly tool to provide to the MKT team. I don't think that looking at the Network tab is the best option for them.



Level 2

Hi Bruno

I think digital pulse debugger will not some time because of cache in browser or if there multiple events running on same time. I have found updated version of digital pulse debugger and may be this will help http://digitalinsightsworld.com/digital-insights/adobe-marketing-cloud-pulse-chrome-extension/.

Also omnibug, Charles and observepoint are some good debugger.




Level 2

Hi Bruno

I think digital pulse debugger will not some time because of cache in browser or if there multiple events running on same time. I have found updated version of digital pulse debugger and may be this will help http://digitalinsightsworld.com/digital-insights/adobe-marketing-cloud-pulse-chrome-extension/.

Also omnibug, Charles and observepoint are some good debugger.




Level 2


Level 1


I found a better Chrome extension debugger that pops an intuitive-looking screen right on the page. It's called, simply, "Analytics Debugger " and the logo is a small beetle bug. I found it by accident and like it a lot.. On the Chrome hamburger menu: --> More tools -> Extensions -> search for "Analytics Debugger" and look for the bug log. It has 4 stars with 61 reviews. 


Good luck.



Level 2

Hi Nancy,
Apparently this debugrge don't work with the post method collect.

But thx anyway, I'll use this plugin for websites using the img request method.

Anyone from @AdobeAnalyticsTeam advise a Debugger for all Adobe solutions (DMP, AA, Target, etc) that works with the new libraries?
