Hello All!
Our marketing team is implementing Agile practices to manage enhancement requests. We are looking to use WSJF as the prioritization method.
Any thoughts on the above would be appreciated.
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Hi @Ellen Saltmarsh‚ - great question! Thanks for asking it here. I've used WSJF in several organizations, and what I have found is that it's best to start with the relative sizing method first.
So basically something like this:
I would give it a try before you really need to do it - a test run, and then also know that you won't get it right the first time. That's ok! Adjusting is part of the process.
Does this help at all? Please let us know what happens or if you have any follow up questions...
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Thank you very much for the information @Melissa Pickering‚ . That is a helpful example.
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Hi Ellen,
This is a great question! @Melissa Pickering‚ has some great ideas!
I love to hear a bit more on how you are implementing WSJF. Are you having the requestor fill out a form containing custom calculated fields? Or this happening after the request is submitted and the team is scoping requests as they come in?
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Hello @Brian Toplicar - inactive‚,
Our team is incorporating WSJF into our enhancement backlog prioritization in order to help us more accurately rank requests. I have added fields in our Admin Custom Form where our team can assign values to the components of the WSJF calculation. Then Workfront is calculating the WSJF value based on those fields.
Currently, our team is discussing the assigned values in our grooming call as requests come in, but I'm open to recommendations on that process. Being virtual makes it difficult to all vote on values quickly and without the team seeing other votes before they share their own.
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Thank you for your reply! This is great. I think we are all feeling that pain right now - I will do some research and see if I can come up with some work arounds.
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