Hi Everyone,
I'm Eden Soper, a UX designer at Workfront, and for this study PM Jess Shayan and I are hoping to speak to 3 users about a proof of concept that we've developed as a first step for images in the update stream. This study will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
We would really love your feedback on this topic, so if you're interested, sign up at the link: https://calendly.com/wf-product-research/update-stream-viewing-images.
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Thank you for your interest! We actually just filled the study but I will reach out to those who didn't get in this round for the next round.
The link is not valid, but I would be happy to chat about this.
I could not access the link either. Would like to take part in the study.
Cant access the link but I'd be happy to take part
Thank you for your interest! We actually just filled the study but I will reach out to those who didn't get in this round for the next round.
Same as Sara and JM, would love to participate but the link isn't valid.
I couldn't access the link, either. I'll happily participate in the next round of the study. Thank you!
I'd like to participate as well. Thanks.