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Workfront Product Manager Here! Looking for Help with Bringing Reports to Mobile App.


Level 5
Hi everyone! I'm Hayk, the product manager over Workfront mobile app. We are working hard to bring Reporting features to the mobile app so you can access all your reports anytime and anywhere. It was one of our top-3 most-requested features for mobile (along with Timesheet and Requests), and now it's the only one that is not implemented yet. Now, it's a though challenge to fit all these fancy reports and charts in your smartphones' screens. We already have some interesting ideas and wireframes, and I'd love to hear your feedback. But more that that, I want to learn more about your use cases and hear your suggestions and wishlist, so we can make the app more helpful for you. If you are interested in a quick call or chat, "https://calendly.com/haykfalakyan/workfront-mobile-app" please click here to schedule a time! If you can't, I'd really appreciate if you could just provide me with a list of reporting functionality that you'd like to see in the mobile app, and tell me what problem it will solve for you and your company. Thank you in advance for helping us to improve our app! Hayk Falakyan Workfront
6 Replies


Level 10

Hayk, I downloaded Workfront mobile app to my phone (android), so that I can see exactly what our Sales team sees. They are all using Workfront mobile app, most of the time and desktop, when they are in the office or at home - however, most of the time they are on Client site. I have attached a picture of the Global Bar - specifically Requests. I have created the various views/ dashboards/reports in this area as shown. However, on the Mobile App, I can not see any of this - at all. Is this a limitation or do I have something misconfigured on the phone. This is the bang for the buck for our Sales Team to be able to see this Global Bar section from their cellphone. Thanks for clarification. I have more - but I'd like to stick with one topic/issue/problem at a time. Benetta Perry APS0690z000007ZiRmAAK.jpg


Level 5
Hi Benetta, The current implementation of Requests on mobile supports only the default functionality: it gives you access only to your open and closed requests. Here, it looks like you have created a custom issue report and embedded it in a tab in Requests page. So in order to access this issue report on your smartphone, you need to have the general Reporting support in the app, which is exactly the problem we are trying to solve now :) Hayk Falakyan Workfront


Level 10
Hi Hayk, I guess this is a different concept because most of our users who currently view reports and dashboards are generally the people who spend all day at a PC and use the web interface. I don't expect that many of them would really want to view reports on the mobile even if they were available, because a large screen would be more useful for them. There could be a few users who would like to be able to view existing dashboards and reports on the mobile, but they would be in the minority I expect. Typically the users who use the mobile app are the ones out of the office on the road. One of the common issues for them is to easily see what they should be working on (usually in date order, but could be by priority or other status). Perhaps instead of scrolling through the current 'Working On' list of tasks and issues (which can be a bit heavy going, especially if they have a lot of wok items), we could provide them a chart to let them more visually review and drill down into their work (overdue, due today, due this week etc). Perhaps we can also give them a graphical view of hours they have logged etc. I'll think some more about other potential uses. Regards, David David Cornwell


Level 5
David, that's a great idea! Thank you. Hayk Falakyan Workfront


Level 5
Hi, Hayk, Are the Calendly times accurate? I'd love to chat, but I can't do a 3:30 a.m. call :-) Best, Alana Alana Coble Alana Coble WebMD


Level 5
Hi Alana. I'm afraid so. Looks like we're in totally different timezones: I'm in GMT+4, Armenia :) But I'd love to chat with you too! Can't we have a call at your morning hours? Hayk Falakyan Workfront